Clan Chest question

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Clan Chest question

  • We’re a clan of about 35 core members and 10-15 transients who remain for less than a week or so. Today I donated a Clan Chest to celebrate a particularly tough battle that we won. Everything went OK except that at one point an opportunistic SOB of a non-member joined the clan, grabbed one of the biggest prizes (4,000 Silver feathers), and left the clan–all within the space of a minute. The smash-and-grabber’s ID was “Interstellar” if that makes any difference. Was this just a lucky strike? Or is there some way for non-members to know/detect when a chest has been opened? I don’t want to believe that’s possible but, given the unusual circumstances, I just have to ask.

    — Bob


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  • Replies
  • Mzimoxs

    Pretty sure that’s a coincidence. Just change your clan to ‘closed’ if you intend to buy a clan chest.


    Thanks for the reply. I’m pretty sure it’s a coincidence  too and the thought of closing the clan came to my mind but what are the mechanics of that? How do you close a clan? And how easy is it to reopen it? We need a constant replenishment of members as the deadwood get pruned. I’m not the clan’s founder by the way, just a co-leader.

    — Bob

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Clan Chest question

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