Clan members name changing

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Clan members name changing

  • This is odd….I am looking at the players in my clan and if I refresh the display the lowest ranked two keep showing as different names. Three times in 5 minutes. No one has left, just those two are different names.


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  • Heather Bird

    It’s a Rovio glitch…been going on for MONTHS now


    Only with those two….never saw that before, kicked em and all othes are as they should be


    It has to do with the link from FB account to AB2. If the player changed  his profile name or avatar picture and didn’t save the profile setting there will be shown random names and pictures every time you visit the page. We also kicked this clan members, because they didn’t log in anymore.


    Looking for anyone who will just participate regularly in clan battles. You do not have to be strong or experienced, just play regularly! Get more feathers & pearls without spending $. Let’s have some fun and build our bird’s power together! Join Badbirds #99369 thanks!

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Clan members name changing

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