Clan recruitment

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Clan recruitment

  • Hi everyone!

    Just a little talk about the nicest clan ever!!

    We are called : Daily Quest

    The rules are simple! Do not waste any gems here!

    We only play the clan battle. We have 38 actives members but we need 12 more for better battles.

    We win pretty much every time because we have only actives members.

    So if you are looking for a non pressure clan where you dont waste precious gems and still get nice rewards, join Daily Quest

    Truly yours,


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  • Beth

    Hello fellow hog hunters

    Looking for active clan members for TrenchtownFlock….please come give it a shot…FP unimportant, participation is all that is required!


    Caldwells are looking for clan members. I kick out dead weight if they don’t play clan wars or aren’t active players. Come check us out. Clan power is 3442. Clan name Caldwells.

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Clan recruitment

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