Clan Recruitment Thread

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    Whatever you decide, hope you find a good clan with a leader that communicates. All I can say is my clan is loyal members, 10 or so very new, so time will tell. I hope they are, several say they are, so I’m cou to g o  their word, 3 are questionable at the moment. I’ll know by tomorrow on those 3 members when the battle is over.

    I have a few members with FP of just 50 or in that range, but they are playing, so I don’t care if their FP is 50 or 450. I won’t boot them out to make room either. All I ask, if something comes up, family issues or whatever and you can’t play, communicate when you’ll be back. 3 guys in my clan, nothing. 1 guy new, has not played once last round, has yet to play this round. No communication yet either. This guy may have to go since he hasn’t proved himself to my crew or me.

    Members should stick with their clan, thru thick and thin as long as everyone is trying. Good luck. Hope it works out.  :)





    Our clan just got rid of some inactive players so space has opened.  We are an active clan and have won the last 4 clashes.  Come help us get even stronger.

    ID# 103318 “Lucky 66”

    If you are not active and don’t play the challenges, don’t bother, you will likely get kicked.


    We are a Clan looking for a few active players with a flock power of over 250 (prefer, not required): A whole team with FP of 250+ is our next goal.

    We are: SOUR KUSH #8624

    I recently kicked 15 inactive members and got some good replacements. Going to kick the rest of the dead weight so I need some dependable players. Daily active & helping in battles/events is more important than FP to me…


    @Aldan Hey I just sent a request to join your clan.  I’m Floppy Buttstomp, 440 Flock Power and a serious player.  Please accept me.  Thanks!


    @aidenw Hey just sent a request to join Gregg.  Im Floppy Buttstomp, 440FP and a serious player.  Please add me.  Thanks!


    If your request was for SLAYER?  Just join. You’re more than welcome to join.

    Hard to tell on question    :)


    Yeah, it won’t let me reply directly to posts.  I’m trying to join “We’re Old Gregg”. Womp womp


    Our clan is open, you can just join…

    SOUR KUSH #8624


    3 spots opened now. If we are full when you try to join, message me, and I will make room for you.

    SOUR KUSH #8624


    Ok, thanks Gary!  I joined a good clan where everyone plays, let me finish this new tournament and I’ll come over.  There are too many people that are willing to spend hundreds of dollars and I’ll never get any pearls this way 🤣.


    We have 4 openings currently as I kicked some dead weight. Look forward to you joining if you still plan on it. If you know anyone who’s looking for an active clan, please refer them to us. I will not give up until we have 50 active members.




    Hi, Gary!  Looks like my current clan has been working out well for me.  I believe I will stay.  If anything changes, I will keep you in mind.  Thank you for the invite!


    Hi –  looking to rebuild clan Flighty Raptors since dead weight has been falling off in recent weeks. Have let clan get super low so can easily add dedicated players.  Only requirement is that you play at least twice a week. Search 24150.


    lol most of the popular big clans are closed now with half of their players are banned but they all opened new clans with their twin accounts still cheaters find a way to come back like never dying zombies.


    Lol….sounds like you’re searching for a clan? Any luck?

    I had to boot out about 41 dead weights over the past 3 months or so, and fortunately I quickly got members quick. All seem happy now, especially at 32 members currently. Can’t wait until our clan max’s out at 50, all who play the game. Just wrong when members do nothing but ride the coat tails of the other members collecting rewards. Another leader told me he runs his clan the same way, working out for him too. Lol



    lol no i’ve been into many different diamond rank clans they were having members from top 100 boot camp rankers now most of them are banned with their clans are closed but they play at their new clans…sooner or later they will get bans again…looks like you have good clan without cheaters having all full hat set lol have fun in your clan.



    That’s why I want honest members. I see no point or gratification on cheating. Enjoy your clan as well.    :)

    I don’t believe anyone in my clan have all the football hats yet, many trying. Don’t know why? I only have 2 myself.  I could care less about them. I’m not spending my gems to get them. Could be for cvc battle reasons. They have not mentioned why they trying so hard, nor have I asked. To each his own. Just like play you stay.

    Update for 2-12-18  SLAYER just won 5 in a row, 6-1 since overhauling 99% of clan since November until now. 1 loss due to lack of members beginning of overhaul. Only had 12 to 18 playing. Currently 34  members and growing. 5 digit clan flock power. If youre over 350 FP, 400+ preferred, communicate, play your free plays more than just once or few times all all clan events, send request. Clan in closed to keep out puddle jumpers.

    I gave several low FP a chance to prove themselves, after no play, they got kicked. I want members who will fight tooth and nail to win. And…loyalty through thick and thin.

    SLAYER #7974




    GROWING DAILY ACTIVE CLAN – looking for teammates & possibly co-leader(s)

    We are a Clan looking for 15 active players with a flock power of over 250 (prefer, not required): A whole team with FP of 250+ is our next goal.

    5 current openings and I plan to kick 10-15 additional members unless they become more active immediately. Recently added several daily players and would like more daily players. If you fit this description, please join us and see what you think.

    We are: SOUR KUSH #8624

    If you have a full set of legendary hats obtained in less than legal ways or you use cheats of any type, please don’t join my clan!

    Kelly Thompson Valence

    Brand New Clan – SUPER FLY


    Please consider joining my Clan. I play everyday and will communicate and be responsive to all Clan members.  I’ve left my long time Emerald Clan to try and create the ideal Clan.

    I’m looking to field a Clan of Active members (preferrably 3 points per event), with competitive opportunities for all of the members (no members who have used cheats), and mandatory participation in the Clan Battles (free events/with the best prizes).

    This is chance for all those frustrated serious players out there to be a leading member of a Clan and have your voice heard.

    Join up and be apart of a winning team!



    SOUR KUSH #8624… Looking for 6-8 members To make our clan complete.
    <p style=”text-align: left;”>We have 20+Members with FP of 250-520.</p>
    We are looking for People with the following:

    • Prefer FP 250+
    •  Plays daily or most every day
    • Participates in all Clan battles
    • Scores a minimum of 3 points in clan events
    • If going to be offline or unable to participate
    • In battle or event they will notify leader Or co-leader
    • Treats teammates fairly, does not cheat or use any
    • Form of cheat to obtain illegal items – especially
    • Legendary hats!! NO FULL SETS…
    • We communicate several times a day on the board
    • And will always answer any questions or concerns
    • Or provide help where needed.



    Fransisca Alexandra


    FURY #1343

    Please join us, Azure level clan going to Diamond ⭐️

    Mind Augas

    Hi all! if there is a clan with 9 active members and the rest is just a dead weight and you want altogether to appear in other clan – please contact me!

    So far we have achieved all goals in all events, current one is 400pts with Legendary chest as a main reward!

    If you have a decent FP and are active – with your help we’ll among Diamond rank clans!

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

    Tom Stargel

    Breaking Beaks #113169 is a new clan started by active players.  We currently have three players. My flock power 419 and my co-leaders have flock power ratings of 408 and 347.  We were all high scorers in the clan battles and I have been the highest scoring player in numerous battles.  We left our clans to start Breaking Beaks because our clans had very poor member participation and we would  lose the battles week after week. The clan leaders and co-leaders in our former clans did nothing about non-players. Breaking Beaks is all about players taking part in clan events so we can all reap the rewards. Any active player will have a permanent spot with the clan, non-players will be moved out. Please join and help our clan dominate the clan battles.

    Birdy Angerson

    Are you feeling unappreciated in your current clan? Are you always taking first place in Clan VS Clan events but still losing because the rest of the clan can’t pull their own weight?

    Is your flock power 550 or higher and you want to collect rewards so you can level up?

    We’re Old Gregg is looking for a couple more heavy hitters. Everybody does their share and we help each other out we just need a couple more players who can dominate in Clan VS Clan. Our record is 15 and 3 but 3 losses is 3 too many and we don’t like to lose.

    We’re Old Gregg
    Clan #68881
    Clan power 20,072
    VS record 18:3
    48 active members
    100% event rewards

    Come and check us out, you wont be disappointed. If you don’t quite meet the requirement but think you’ve got what it takes hit me up and we’ll talk.

    Toaster Oven

    Breaking Beaks #113169 is a new clan started by active players. We currently have three players. My flock power 419 and my co-leaders have flock power ratings of 408 and 347. We were all high scorers in the clan battles and I have been the highest scoring player in numerous battles. We left our clans to start Breaking Beaks because our clans had very poor member participation and we would lose the battles week after week. The clan leaders and co-leaders in our former clans did nothing about non-players. Breaking Beaks is all about players taking part in clan events so we can all reap the rewards. Any active player will have a permanent spot with the clan, non-players will be moved out. Please join and help our clan dominate the clan battles.

    Toaster Oven.

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Clan Recruitment Thread

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