CNY How Is Leader Board Created?

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum CNY How Is Leader Board Created?

  • Hi Guys,

    How is the leader board created?
    Is it based on time zone? Level? Location?

    I played one stage just after midnight and I got 12 tokens, but the leader got 300+ already. How is this possible?

    Or maybe Rovio generates these leaderboards out of thin air to make people pay hard cash? (not gonna work with me)

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  • sheepybach

    If you find the answer to your question please let us know as we’ve asked and got no joy.
    As for the start of a new comp yet again seconds of opening they seem to have a good score to boot and no one knows how.


    I sent request to the Support: 1239869
    As a customer that pay real money for the game I am entitled to know the rules.


    Currently the leaderboards are 20 people per group, and fill up as soon as people get their first result. That’s it. So I suppose you could say that you are grouped chronologically, with other people who started the day’s competiton at more or less the same time.


    I found this challenge’s leaderboard suspect at times. As an example, I ended a challenge in first place, with a 24 token lead- good for that days challenge, and watched the seconds tick down to zero to end the challenge, only to find that I had finished in second place. And, once the days challenge is complete, there is no final leaderboard shown- only what you did that day. Still awaiting response from rovio.
    Additionally, I had a number of mission’s tokens lost as the game crashed right after the TF entered the train. Tokens lost and event lost. This at minimum cost me the ability to earn another accessory, but thankfully had enough to earn the new character.
    All in all a good challenge, and I liked the start and end times.


    I have questions too…. I’ve seen names changed…. Names with just arbitrary letters???? One thing I did notice that the more I pushed the leader the more “they” pushed…. So I tried something on the last day…. I did not push my lead… Did not recharge faster… And the scores were lower and I still came in first….. Just saying something seems a bit fishy…..


    Guys & Gals,

    already answered this, and @arceemega did so too, above.

    Over at ABTDP we have also speculated about computer players. Then we made a huge list of each other’s in-game-competition names, and some of us recognized each other on our lists. Even with a zillion players, we found a few hits.

    For the next comp we are going to try to time our “competition entry” for a time or two. Then we should see more of each other. The negative is, we will be competing against each other. But it will verify the above.

    It’s not like we have any control over it anyways. It just “is”. I would rather be in a group of bots (which it is not) or strangers, so if I win, there’ll be no hard feelings among friends. LOL.


    For what it’s worth, my daughter and I got paired together over the weekend. That really stunk because we both had to have 1000 tokens for the day (which we managed to do). But it was also cool to be sitting side by side and watching each other’s progress on the leader board.

    I finished first and she finished second. Due to the unfortunate pairing, we had to push each other to each hit 1000 tokens for the day. No real push from other players that day.


    I was in a group with someone named “birdleader” and initially I was really nervous because while I did spend gems, I was not prepared to spend 100’s to win. However, this person barely played, so I don’t think it was the actual “birdleader” from the Nest.


    I wanted to answer your questions too:

    How did you find this competition compared to the previous ones?
    I found it too be very frustrating as servers didn’t update properly, awards weren’t given properly, and not all of the items were achievable in such a short period.

    Too easy/easy/hard/obscenely hard?
    I think it was obscenely hard due to the daily goals not coming across the game screen enough

    Its the same map over and over so it gets kind of boring. Perhaps new scenery would spruce things up.

    Worth it for a character?
    Too much effort went into trying to obtain the new character

    How much time do you spend in game during competitions compared to outside competitions?
    I spend WAY too much time during competitions versus normal gameplay.

    How much time would you prefer to spend during a competiton (less/more)?
    I would prefer there be enough time to obtain all achievable competition items.

    What’s you ideal length of competiton X events spread over Y days?
    Same as the previous question. I would prefer it to be long enough for a person to obtain every item available.

    Would you like to see bigger leaderboards to compete against more people, or is 20 enough/too many?
    I don’t think bigger leaderboards is wanted. Probably the same amount if not less.


    Not that you asked me but:

    How did you find this competition compared to the previous ones?
    1. Holiday, competition for Shockwave. Most fun and most rewarding – gems!
    2. Thanksgiving competition. The pigs in a turkey were mildly offensive, but the silly pilgrim hat, who knew? Perhaps this progression format could be used to unlock Tfs and open new areas.
    3. CNY competition for EOP. Too much work, but at least I got a Tf. The red packets giving coins was a nice touch.
    4. Contest in C Minor. Don’t want to work that hard for accessories.

    Too easy/easy/hard/obscenely hard?
    Hard/Obscenely hard depending on what your analytics say. Required too high a commitment — I had to play through the night in order to win every. Single. Day. All I got was EOP and his accessories. The items need to be achievable for MOST of the players during the period of time. During the Holidays I was traveling and could not play all of the time, yet I was able to play enough to win everything I wanted. Nobody wants to play that much and not get what they want.

    It’s boring and monotonous. After you run each area once it becomes ground hog day. Update the friggin’ game already.

    Worth it for a character?
    Too much work, but I’d much rather EARN the Tf than have to pay money.

    How much time do you spend in game during competitions compared to outside competitions?
    Once you get to level 15, there’s no point in running nodes. However, need I remind you this is the “hurry-up and wait” game because you’re mostly waiting for missions and upgrades to finish, more so than running nodes.

    How much time would you prefer to spend during a competiton (less/more)?
    I prefer to have enough days to win all the items at my own pace and not be required to stay up at night and spend lots of gems.

    What’s you ideal length of competiton X events spread over Y days?
    Same as the previous question.

    Would you like to see bigger leaderboards to compete against more people, or is 20 enough/too many?
    The leaderboards are fine, now that we know how they’re generated. There seems to be some funny business though, hopefully it’s not cheating…

    Thanks for the opportunity to provide feedback!


    I really liked the old challenges that would count the number of X things that you would collect during normal play. I don’t really care for the separate map / same character over and over.


    Hello there,

    Glad to have your playing Transformers, and thanks for contacting us. Unfortunately the amount of tokens rewarded is linked to the time you entered the event. Thus if you started the event later, you will not sadly receive the full reward. The event entry point/time is directly reflected in the rate of the reward granted.The time zone the game and events are based on is that of London, Great Britain (we issue a disclaimer of the time zone during the event). We hope you keep up the good gaming and wish you lots of luck in upcoming events. Apologies for any inconvenience experienced.

    Best regards,

    Rovio Support Team

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