Coin loss?

  • This is the second ocurance and it kinda annoys me, but I left the game for not more than 3 min and when I returned the window,
    ‘Updating your progress
    please wait, we just need to restart the game’came up!
    I had over $900,000 coins and after I clicked ok, my coin count went down to $879,496? WTH for?? This is not the first time this has happened!

    Of course I feel robbed and cheated…

    Anyone else have this same problem or know why?


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  • Replies
  • ph

    This is a known bug and has been plaguing the game for months. Last time I clicked ok by accident I lost 200k in coins and 50-60 gems.
    If you are on IOS then you can “hard” exist the game without clicking okay. Set your device to airplane mode and restart the game. Play a few nodes and collect some coins, then turn wifi back on. This has worked for me.


    @Ph Thank you for the tips, sucks that this situation hasn’t been resolved. Especially for idiots like me who buy gems lol!


    @20qmindreader I think I would have probably ditched the game. I feel cheated with my situation as it is lol.


    @1girlamer I would be livid if I had purchased gems and lost them, but as it is I am just really ticked off to lose the ones I have earned. By using the method I described I have been able to cut my losses to only when I am not paying attention and click ok.


    @Ph Definitley will keep your pointers in mind, thank you again.


    Rovio, I have had it. And for the last time.

    I tag you here because I believe I am not the only one who feels this way. I know you have a tough gig representing Rovio here in this forum fronting for ABT. Not easy considering the issues faced by players here for over a year.

    Level 427. Been playing this game for a year. And I am done. Just got the “restart your progress”. Lost 500k coins, 300 gems and a level. Took me back to some point like 3 days ago. Why?

    Over the last 12 months, I have dealt with the ceaseless bugs, crashes, changes in game economics.

    Games are supposed to be FUN. This is a “game” where I have to belong to a forum and a FB group to find out how to work around all your bad code. The game is not actually the game. The game is discovering all of the most recent bugs and broken parts and sharing with folks like those in the forum to find out how to work around them. Just read this string! It is all about a bug that has been a problem for SIX months. Can you imagine what would happen to an IT team in a company if this was the output?

    I have gently suggested that just ONCE Rovio simply apologize for putting players through this garbage. After all, it is WE who watch the ads that pay your wages. Not once have I seen an apology. Not once has there been a customer service gesture of goodwill, including an extended back and forth exchange with Joonas when I lost 1500 gems due to your unstable code.

    So it has now reached a point where the FUN is gone. FRUSTRATION is what you have delivered. And I don’t feel like generating revenue for you any longer for that experience.

    To all the ABTDP folks and all of you, I can only tell you that after a year of trying my patience, I have come to the conclusion that it is not going to get any better. Go ahead and look back at the old threads. Go back a week, a month, a year. Thread after thread of players trying to help each other work around a “game” with such problems that it takes a community of players to figure it out. Go look at other forums for other games… they talk about achievements, strategies, and new features. Not so with this game.

    So it is off to a new pursuit for me…

    I do want to thank all of the players that have helped me over the last year. I wish you all the best.

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