Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum COLD TURKEY!!!

  • I was playing in the arena several wins through the win streak, and going for a prolonged win streak, and was in the middle of a battle, and all of a sudden, my device (IPAD 3) shut off apparently due to battery being dead (although I never got the 10% and 5% battery remaining warning).  After going back into the arena, I realized that it considered my battery dying as a loss and broken my current arena streak.

    After that, I am figuring, I have had enough.  This game is sucking too much of my life away, and too much time away from other things I like to do more.  I have had enough.

    By quitting cold turkey, I realize that I am giving up on achieving the following feats:

    597/600 Videos

    245/250 Arena wins

    293/300 Rare Chests

    14/15 Upgrade sling shot 15 times

    18/20 Legendary Chests

    88,337/100,000 pigs popped

    I have also made it to level 1524 of currently 1540.


    I just don’t care anymore.  Too much of a time drain of something that has no winnable end in sight.

    I am quitting this game COLD TURKEY!   I will be a happier person leading a more enjoyable life because of this.

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  • Replies
  • cognitive

    Let yourself drop to Vanilla league and don’t compete in the Arena. I am much happier playing DC, Clans, and completing a couple Arena rounds a week.


Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum COLD TURKEY!!!

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