Devastator – Accessories?

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Devastator – Accessories?

  • Any advice on which accessory to get for Devastator? During this current challenge?

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    My recommendations: Ravage and Megatron


    @grimlockdown so for Devastator you recommend Ravage (explosive rounds) over Kremzeek (EMP rounds)?


    @noahlot Yes. I tested Devastator with all the four arm slot accessories in the Challenge run and a bit surprisingly Ravage was the best.

    If I remember correctly the EMP effect (of Kremzeek) was too weak to be effective.


    @grimlockdown thanks man!

    One question I always wonder: are the big guys damaged by falling towers? With no vehicle mode they can’t avoid them, so with no EMP they can’t stop them either.
    That’s the main reason I kept EMP on Devastator, not that I use him much.


    I think the falling towers do no damage to Combiners and Gestalt squads (and their prime pass variants). The missiles do either no damage or minimal damage. The balloon pigs might do some damage. If you don’t see the hearts then there’s no damage.

    The most important use of any TFs EMP accessory is to disable flying pigs (and to a certain extent WMTs).


    Wait, how is everyone modifying, disabling accessories?


    I used EMP for challenge.  The goal was to survive so the ability to disable was key


    @voltronpig sorry what’s your question exactly? About modifying or disabling.


    Thanks @noahlot. Honestly, I’m not sure how to do either. Someone mentioned in the Volcanicus thread about disabling some accessories to better use the featured Transformers in the weekly challenge, and I have no idea what they’re referring to. Although I don’t have either Volcanicus or Omega Supreme so maybe this is custom to those 2 only?


    @voltronpig When you go into the “Barracks” to see the list of your TFs, and hit the sunglasses icon for a TF to see their accessories. Selected accessories have a yellow outline, while the outline is blue for unselected accessories. You can select or unselect an accessory by tapping it. In this screenshot you can see which headgear accessory I have on Dirge:

    The Gestalt squad (Omega Supreme and Volcanicus) have a bug where you shouldn’t use the eye accessory for either of them.


    @noahlot thank you! I never knew about this. I need to go through each of my transformers to make sure something like Vehicle time or transform recharge isn’t selected for anyone. Is there a guide as to which accessories are best?

    So say there is an accessory for Incendiary Rounds (Grade 3) and has a 20% effect damage. There is another accessory for Headphones (also Grade 3) which offers 22% damage. Which would you choose?

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Devastator – Accessories?

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