Dodging monoliths in slow motion daily challenge

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Dodging monoliths in slow motion daily challenge

  • Anyone else having trouble achieving this task? I just can’t seem to get this one, and it has cost me gems and tokens. Thank you in advance.

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  • pandaczar12

    Nope, this one is easy.


    You have to wait until you are close enough to the monolith to get that slow motion effect going but dodge soon enough that the monolith doesn’t touch you.

    Find a node that has falling monoliths and quit after you pass the monolith. If you did it correct you will get credit for it, if not repair yourself and try again.

    By quitting, I mean pause the game and exit back to the map screen.


    Also best to use a character that is fast as they can generally avoid being hit. The hot Rods, Bubblebees and the seekers are best. Sentinal Prime, Heatwave and Rachete can be a bit slow.


    You can tell if a Monolith is about the fall if their “mouths” are flaming/chomping their “teeth”, they quickly glace at you before looking back at the screen (a bit hard to see the green pupils over the yellow iris), and if they are positioned precariously by the path (some will appear in the background, but they can’t affect you)- just some pointers to help you be prepared


    @20qmindreader I have achieved this in other areas than Cobalt Valley.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Dodging monoliths in slow motion daily challenge

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