There is also another way to increase your money even and without Eggbots to intercept.
This a normal run with Goldbrick and Drift (full accesories sword, hook, headphones) at the Pigcity. Remember something important if you want to increase the amount of money that you trying to obtain you have to have 3 bars (3 energon cubes) selected to use the goldbrick en/con.
Each bar of the en/con give x1 x2 and x3 the original amant of coins of the target.
Here are some photos taken from run.
In this photo i power on my en/con with 3 bard charged.
Here i am in my end of my node
Without having run the ads just only with bonus squad.
And here after watching ads
Pretty sweet? Now imagine if i had used a Variant Transformer like Goldbite Grimlock or Ultimate Megatron with Goldbrick en/con what results could be have…