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  • JulesC70

    @dseufert I’ve just sent friend requests to both John & Belinda Thompson. :-)


    How did you know which John and Belinda Thompson it was I dint seem to be able to find them


    @faymarienash Hi! I did a search on fb for the following four words “belinda thompson angry birds” no commas, no spaces. Then I scrolled through the search results until I saw a post from belinda thompson to the angry birds fb page. Once there, I clicked on her name to see her profile, submitted a friend request, then saw her “married to John Thompson” info, clicked on it, went to his profile and submitted a friend request. I’m hopeful that I found the right couple & I believe I did, because there was almost nothing on either profile besides angry birds related posts. I have a screenshot of her profile, if there’s a way to send it to you here. Lemme know if you need it. Good luck!

    James Marquez

    Thank you so much! I look forward to joining the Veterans group/Secret group on FB :)


    I’ve been accepted as a friend on FB by both Becky and John Thompson, but got no instructions about joining the group. I’m probably missing something major right in front of my face, but what do I do now?

    Makin Bakin

    @sealy Did you get a PM from Belinda Thompson on FB yet? I noticed she sent you new member info. Here’s a link (that may or may not work) if you haven’t already received an answer: https://m.facebook.com/groups/search/?groupID=212324675537221&query=sealy&tsid=0.7522620267700404&source=typeahead

    –MB :)


    Hi, this sounds great but I have no idea which of the hundreds of John Thompson’s on FB I should request friends.


    I was just playing this for fun, but now i get really competative playing agaist other ppl. Sorry to say that i do not have any fb freinds. The only reason i have fb is to play these games. Would i still be able to do this with the coins? Thank you

    Hello , Makin Bakin ! First of all, I would like to just clarify that I am from Russia and I address to you with the help of online translator . So please forgive me in advance for any errors . And now to business. I’ve long been a participant in the game Angry Birds , 2014 . And then I accidentally found out about the opportunity to join your group. So I have to ask you , could you include me in your group . Advance very grateful .

    Rayitos NFS

    Hello , I would like to be part of this group and make new friends of all I love ABF . I have long been playing ABF I think I’ve successfully added to John and Belinda . sorry for my English I used the translator :)

    Makin Bakin

    @rayitos What language(s) do you speak? I may be able to help you with Google Translator :)

    Rayitos NFS

    im speak spanish and a little english , i use the translator because my english is very poor XD


    Hello everybody! I have watched ABN videos on Youtube for a long time to help me with ABF, but I never knew there was a group! I’ve since joined the Nest and friended John and Belinda using an alias FB account as advised.

    On my own in my primary FB account, with no actual $ spent and only a few FB friends that play, I’ve managed to get up to Diamond 2. With the alias, I’ll be starting over, but that will be fun too!

    I never ever cheat.

    I really hope I will be accepted into this group. I will contribute a lot as I play this game practically every day.

    Matt Richmond

    Makin Bakin

    @rayitos Hablo un poco de español. Por favor escribir español a mí en cualquier momento. También, @dmitri habla español con fluidez y es un miembro de nuestro grupo privado en FB :)


    @dseufert – Yes, thanks! I’ve gotten accepted, I’m building up my friends and gifting every day to get to the next step. One weird thing: I am on ios, and several times all my friends have disappeard, but they reappear later or the next day. I have a total of 1700+ friends, but only about 700 show up to send gifts to (only on my mac; iPad is not in synch, only a few dozen friends show up to send gifts to) and I assume they are the friends I’ve gotten just via the group.
    Looking forward to the big time!
    Thanks again for the follow-up.

    Kenta Harr

    Hi folks, just sent request to John and Belinda to join the group. Honest player, just looking for an honest way to earn more power ups and coins! Alias of Kenta Harr was created for anonymity, looking forward to enjoying this game with fellow enthusiasts!


    Hey there! A little late to the party, but I’ve been playing for a few years, and following best for a while. I’m interested in adding friends who play, I currently only have a few FB friends who do. I sent friend requests to John and Belinda and hopefully you’ll accept me to you group! Thanks!


    Hi all

    Been an addict for a few years now & my friends are no longer fans – hence I have no gifts/coins coming in – tried to find Belinda & John Thompson & can’t find them anywhere – help please

    Makin Bakin

    @seldov Here’s a link to Belinda Thompson:


    Send her a friend request. Look on her list of friends for her husband, John “Jailbird” Thompson, and send him a friend request, too.


    U r a legend … Thank you … Now the sad part – starting from the beginning again … Was up to diamond ?


    Ok .. Now I have started from scratch with my new alias … I’m a little lonely … Have 2 friends ? … But at present only one sending .. I don’t want to force myself on anyone and be a nuisance – so are there any willing frienders willing to help me out on FB

    I’m getting my butt kicked trying to save my powerups for that moment when I’m sooooo close & know a power up will get me over the line … at least make me a better challenger

    Looking forward to making more friends



    (Seldov Wetsel)


    @seldov, I sent my FR earlier did you see it ? :)


    Yes – thank you so much


    I have just created a new face book account. How do I register my interest in joining the joining the forum, there are lots of John Thompson’s and Belinda Thompson’s on face book. I have never used face book before as I have been a bit of a dinosaur.

    Thomas…ragdoll abf nickname

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