Edge of the World Glitch

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Edge of the World Glitch

  • I’ve had this glitch a few times. It’s always with Energon Soundwave on a desert node. ES hits an imaginary wall and run in place, but my buddy falls of the edge. After his alloted time, I can call him again and he’ll run off the edge again. I know the edge is coming when the soundwave just goes through everything. I’m not able to simply exit the node. I have to force close.


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  • Mighty Red

    @millforce2k Whoa! I’ve never had this happen. This is definitely something you should report to Rovio support.


    They have more important things to fix and they’d probably break something else trying to fix this.


    I see that you’re on one of the special Angry Birds 2 promotional nodes with the 25 second Optimus Prime buddy. Does it only happen when you’re running these promotional nodes?


    OK, this one is new.

    I’ve only been running the AB2 promo run in Pig City nodes. Seven gold blocks (six of them are do-able with Level 3 Goldbrick), so the payout’s pretty good.

    How are the payouts in the other zones?


    I’ve had this happen to me and found it was due to having enough RAM in play. I exit the node and close down ABT and then run my cleanup program to boast my RAM and when I go back in everything is normal, this is on Android.



    This time it just happened to be in the promo node. First noticed a few months ago.


    Hmm, interesting thought. Never did a RAM cleanup, just closed all running apps. Did it happen to you just on the desert nodes, or others?


    I just had the same thing occur with Arcee. It is in the desert and she stops at the edge of the cliff and runs in place. The buddy falls over the edge. I can call him back when the allotted time is renewed, I can call him back and he goes over the edge again.


    I’ve had in all the area’s over time.

    Jason Young

    That happened to me too…also with Energon Soundwave


    Hm, interesting.

    I’ve experienced this twice (once yesterday and once today) but only in the context of running a Holiday Challenge event.

    Holiday Challenge Bug

    Jason Young

    It happened to me again today using one of the Grimlock characters (can’t remember which one).


    So far I’ve not had it in an event. I can now tell if its going to pop up as if I select the play arrow to start a Node it goes dark and you have to select it again to go forward, when this happens I stop and boast my RAM and its ok again.
    Hope this helps.


    It’s only happened to me once during the challenge, which is surprising since I’m using Soundwave (not Energon though) and all of the desert runs. Maybe it is a memory thing and I haven’t seen it since I’ve recently been starting ABT after closing everything.


    Lovely. Happened yet again on my last event run of the day, made the difference between 6th and 7th place and the hundred tokens that counts for.


    me and my big mouth, just had this bug when running the 1st event after turning my tab on, the river node, so no warning or anything like that and as I just logged on no RAM problem.


    Just happened to me


    Had this twice now,both times during the holiday challenge and both times with Bludgeon


    Holiday challenge happened again, I have the new one so giving up with it now

    Francis Crawford

    Bumping this because I had it happen once within the past few weeks.


    I’m thinking more and more that it’s a memory issue. Maybe that the ads aren’t being fully cleaned up. I’ve noticed that if I start the game clean, it will start to stagger the more I play, and the more ads that play. Offline, it doesn’t diminish. I’ve now gotten into the habit of playing several nodes, completely closing, and restarting.


    I just got this glitch a moment ago on the top desert node. That is the only node I’ve ever encountered it. I had to hard close the app.


    This comp for some reason needed a lot of ram to run it as after every event run if i never came out and boosted my memory I’d either freeze or get end of world issue on the next run

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