Elite Classes

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  • Pointless

    @bubbley @vinnieb00 we are all just guessing here, as we really have no idea what the plan (or point, for that matter) is for Elites. We only have one, so nothing can be definitively predicted. Could be all 30 classes upgraded (therefore making the idea redundant), or could be one from each Bird (the “weakest” concept, although not as clear for other Birds as Red was). I guessed on Marksman simply due to the old loading screen showing that class. Heck, could even be just a one off thing with Knight, for all we know (unlikely, IMO).


    It will probably be Tricksters because they are the very first class for Blues. Don’t you notice that each bird has its initial class upgraded @pointless. Knight, Mage, Cleric, Pirate, and now Tricksters.


    You can’t conclude that just because the Knight got an Elite upgrade @abcdefg.
    On the splash screen just before the recent one, you could see Knight, Mage, Cleric, Pirate and Marksmen fighting enemies. Plus, Marksmen is considered by many as the weakest class of the Blues, so I don’t see why no upgrade.


    @abcdefg how can I notice something that hasn’t yet occurred? Have I missed a lot that Mage, Cleric and Pirate have already received Elite upgrades?
    Don’t guess on Tricksters

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Elite Classes

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