Elite Classes

So now that Elite Knight is here, I have the following questions and musings (not going to discuss the merit of this particular Elite, has been done elsewhere): First, what is the point of being able to switch between "Regular" and Elite? I honestly cannot fathom any real reason, unless the "trophy" is the only point. Second, although I don't have Ronin, isn't the Elite almost identical? Not sure on Health values, but the 10% attack is on par. If this is Rovio's response to Ronin not being available to all, why not simply award Ronin from this past Event? Granted, those with Ronin already wouldn't be happy, but I also wouldn't be happy with Elite Knight if I already had Ronin. I do have Archmage, so in the coming Elite Mage Event (so we assume), I will have answers if nobody corrects me regarding Ronin (and maybe no reason to get Elite Mage). Last, look again at the classes shown in the new loading screen. Red, Chuck, Matilda and Bomb all are their respective starting classes and Blues is Marksman. I think we can all agree that these are the classes in most need of upgrading (I know some of you like Marksman, but really, he is the weakest of the Blues' options). Are these the present and future Elites? We might not have all 30 available after all...
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