Enemy level power

Home Forums Angry Birds Evolution Forum Enemy level power

  • All I can do is normal if I’m lucky, everytime I level my birds up the enemy power also goes up making it literally impossible to ever do hard or insane! This went away a few weeks ago where I levelled up my birds and could do hard, or insane with an extra player.

    I’m level 51 with 11000 power.

    Now it’s back to same. I levelled birds up by 2000 power, went to board and enemy also went up 2000 power…wtf

    Anyone else have same issue or can explain what I’m doing wrong?

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  • Mighty Red

    I believe the enemy power increases the more you advance through the campaign. My team power is 36652. I stopped in the campaign at the point where the enemy power is 12600. As for the scout markers, the difficulties are: normal at 12600 enemy power, hard at 17500 enemy power, and insane at 21000 enemy power.

Home Forums Angry Birds Evolution Forum Enemy level power

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