Epic Strategy Teams

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  • Ok, I worked out a couple teams for AB Epic, Take your Pick!

    Healing Team:



    Use Angelic Touch, and Link to Birds. Use Chili if needed.

    Attack, get health and use Devotion to protect weaker birds.

    Set up Acid Rain, and Heal Birds.

    Stalling/Harmful Effects Team:



    Use Tricksy Trick on Druid/Rainbird and itself, attack when necessary.

    As Skulkers will use these harmful effects, these guys heal your birds.

    Attack. Protect + heal for a few turns when necessary.

    Group-Attack Team (good for levels full of Undead enemies)



    Use Frenzy, to hit all enemies. Attack if you need to finish off a bigger ghost. ALWAYS LET HIM USE RAGE CHILI.

    Attack with Acid Rain. Heal when Necessary.

    Attack enemy with the most health with Smoke Bomb. Use Glee when necessary

    Focus Team (good for levels with one big enemy, like Tribal Pack, Primeval Frost Hog or Royal Bodyguard):

    -Samurai/Paladin (use the latter if it has ironclad)
    -Capt’n/Sea Dog (whichever one you prefer)


    Attack. Use the Defensive Formation as Samurai or Devotion as Paladin when necessary. Use Chili on him.

    Attack. Heal if you have to.

    Use Supportive Abilities on Red, then on Matilda. After that, ATTACK!

    I hope you like my strategies, if any of you have strategies, please, feel free to share them!

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  • Squeaky McGee

    Might be obvious, but:

    Low Damage Team (essential for fighting Ninjas and anything else with the Dodge ability):

    -Samurai/Cannoneer (go with Samurai if there are also Ironclad mixed in, Cannoneer if there are large teams and no Ironclad)

    If you have Golden Chili, use it first on Rainbird (unless there’s an Ironclad, in which case make sure that it has the most health and use it on Samurai instead). One target should get hit with the Druid’s attack, make sure she attacks something else so two enemies are affected. In general, always have Druid attack targets that don’t already have vines on them. Use Samurai/Cannoneer to take out anything that won’t be killed this round by the DoT. In case of heavy damage, both Rainbird and Druid can heal the party and Samurai can bubble up for one turn to protect you for the next round.

    This worked for me in the last Chronicle Cave, even when borrowing the Druid from another player much lower level than me.

    Minion Pig

    Maximum efficiency team

    Paladin-By far the best headgear in the game, useful in all situations except when there are dodge or lots of reviving pigs. Heals as it attacks. If there are too much enemy just use the shield on itself.

    Princess-Removes harmful effect on target bird and move all enemies’ attention to Paladin. The Paladin can take a lot of beating especially when you upgrades it. The Paladin can recuperate in most cases by attacking and Princess’ healing.

    Captain-Its desirable function is the ability to increase target birds’ attack by 60% at the cost of 10% health. But the cost is negligible as both Princess and Paladin can heal. Furthermore, giving Paladin a 60% increase in damage also means the Paladin’s healing ability increases. Also give a rage chili to a Paladin with 160% damage to deal ridiculous damage.

    This team possess some of the highest damage and healing points per round. Princess distracts the enemy to attack Paladin which is almost impossible to kill when used correctly. Captain is just helpful with its ‘whip up’ ability but if the situation demands you can easily swap out captain with another bird. Paladin and Princess is the core component of this class.I used this setup for all my chronicle cave levels I played so far, although Captain is replaced by Adventurer pig in this scenario(or Prince Porky if there are a lot of ghosts). Actually I just beat the boss of cave 3 with ONLY Paladin and Princess without using any potions or rage chili cake, this is possible.

    Minion Pig

    Basically a winning team needs to make sure the other side does not out-damage and out-heal the team. Secondary abilities like remove helpful and harmful effects etc decides what headgear you use to achieve a winning team. And for enemies with wilding ability like frozen hog or something(can’t remember the name), using up the rage chili can be more important than how you use it because those pigs with wilding can deal serious damage when the rage chili is full.


    The Killer Team:


    The un-Harmful effecting team


    The chronicle adventurers 1


    The chronicle adventurers 2

    Pigiana Jones

    The chronicle adventurers 3 (also known as the PPP)

    Pigiana Jones

    The pigs get damage when they attack birds team

    Cannoneer/Pigiana Jones

    Dungeon destroyers team

    Piggy MC’ Cool

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