Epic Strategy Teams

Ok, I worked out a couple teams for AB Epic, Take your Pick! Healing Team: -Paladin -Priest -Rainbird Strategy: PRIEST: Use Angelic Touch, and Link to Birds. Use Chili if needed. PALADIN: Attack, get health and use Devotion to protect weaker birds. RAINBIRD: Set up Acid Rain, and Heal Birds. Stalling/Harmful Effects Team: -Samurai -Druid/Rainbird -Skulkers Strategy: SKULKERS: Use Tricksy Trick on Druid/Rainbird and itself, attack when necessary. DRUID/RAINBIRD: As Skulkers will use these harmful effects, these guys heal your birds. SAMURAI: Attack. Protect + heal for a few turns when necessary. Group-Attack Team (good for levels full of Undead enemies) -Beserk -Rainbird -Spies Strategy: BESERK: Use Frenzy, to hit all enemies. Attack if you need to finish off a bigger ghost. ALWAYS LET HIM USE RAGE CHILI. RAINBIRD: Attack with Acid Rain. Heal when Necessary. SPIES: Attack enemy with the most health with Smoke Bomb. Use Glee when necessary Focus Team (good for levels with one big enemy, like Tribal Pack, Primeval Frost Hog or Royal Bodyguard): -Samurai/Paladin (use the latter if it has ironclad) -Bard -Capt'n/Sea Dog (whichever one you prefer) Strategy: SAMURAI/PALADIN: Attack. Use the Defensive Formation as Samurai or Devotion as Paladin when necessary. Use Chili on him. BARD: Attack. Heal if you have to. CAPT'N/SEA DOG: Use Supportive Abilities on Red, then on Matilda. After that, ATTACK! I hope you like my strategies, if any of you have strategies, please, feel free to share them! -
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