Farming free GPM rolls

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Farming free GPM rolls

  • Do there is possible to ‘farm’ GPM’s rolls:
    1.By watching videos, but not rolling them?
    2.By don’t using friends GPM’s for some days?

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  • epicMarksmen

    1. The next free roll will cover the last one.
    2. Every time you roll your friends’ free roll, it will start to countdown from 24 hours, it doesn’t matter when you roll it.


    Each time you log into Rovio Account there will be a video roll on either the GPM or Arena GPM. I used to use this to get tons of rolls but it gets a bit annoying after a while to keep logging in and out. Still it’s a good little trick. :D


    @kenhsieh @partshade Thanks for info, one more thing: do log in/out trick works in Rainbow Riot mode?

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Farming free GPM rolls

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