Feedback: Live Event – Seekers

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  • sheepybach

    I know you can’t make events to easy to play and collect whatever but for goddess sake you could make it a level playing field as it’s not at present.
    The lack of fire power is pathetic
    No chance of killing the big guy
    Reduce the power on the blocks needed to take them down
    Stop the Kamikaze fly pigs that kill you on a run


    I would like to see an exchange of coins for gems….. I have over 58 mill coins that are Worthless since all my TF’s but 2 are at level 15……


    I jumped in and started playing again if for no other reason than to give concise feed back regarding the Seek & Destroy Event specifically. My thoughts on the sequence that led to frustration:

    1. Not enough information — Pop-up with 2 day notice of event start, but no news feed with event description, parameters, or length. Nesters spring into action providing what little information is available from many obscure sources, but one question remains unanswered — how long is the event? We have lives, jobs, families, and time/monetary constraint. We need to plan! Why is this a secret?

    Hint: Anger/frustration storm with Rovio abated with the introduction of the newsfeed please use for announcements more than confirmation.


    2. Seek and Destroy Event features more Seekers — We just had a Seeker event where we unlocked Acid-I’m-Not-Awesome-Storm. Save Energon Starscream, level 15 and sporting Shoulder Pads, Seekers are not destroyers, they’re runners. Competitions are geared toward destruction, you want to use bots that can reak massive amounts of destruction.


    3. Underpowered, inefficient bots — Three Seekers available, but they have to be used during the competition. Level 10. No Energonicons. No Buddies. The Seekers hit the blocks and the blocks fall over but don’t destruct, or they hit the tnt and the blocks spread all over the landscape. All my level 15, fully accessorized bots are not relevant. Ouch.


    4. Too many overpowered enemies that cause too much destruction — The Boss Pig, swarms of helicopter pigs, WMTs, falling Monoliths all at the same time and all while trying to destroy neon colored blocks. Did I mention that Seekers are not the go-to bots for destruction? Then there’s the pigs sitting atop the structures requiring 3 shots to dispatch and the scuba pigs that can’t be killed because you don’t have the time. Why, because the runs are like 5 minute nodes. The smug grin on the face of the boss pig at the end of the node I just paid gems for netting me less than 100 points? Not so much.


    5. Glitches in the game — I press “Play Event” and instead of the game screen, I’m looking at my iPad home screen. I log back in to find I’ve lost the opportunity to play for free.


    6. Value Proposition — Or lack there of. In the end analysis, I will have lost time and gems, the most valuable commodities in this game. Time spent playing every opportunity, gems spent to reach the daily challenge and gems spent on purchasing the bots because it’s mathematically impossible to unlock them just by spending time playing. For the record, the “continue playing” button is too expensive (I’m absolutely furious that I have an opinion on the subject).

    Hint: if you read the forums the very first thing we do is figure out the math. We LIKE to do this, it’s a large part of the fun of playing the competitions.


    7. Now what? After the stress completing the competition to unlock the bot and spending the time to upgrade it, for what? UPDATE THE GAME…


    Just my two cents. I appreciate the opportunity to provide feedback.

    Edit: I unlocked Sunstorm with gems and although I offset the cost with tokens, if my math is correct, then each Seeker retails for approximately US$40 (4800/3=1600 gems; 400 gems=US$9.99)? REALLY?! I’ve been had…


    @arceemega @lewie4 @gradientturtle7 or anybody else related to Rovio or Exient…

    You have heard the words and thoughts from above players… DO NOT TAKE THE REST OF US SILENCE THAT WE LIKE WHAT WE SEE……….. because we do not !!

    I just personaly believe,there is no reason to write the same things, as the above guys…..TAKE WHAT THEY SAY and multiply it by 1000000 times,because all of us are more angry,than the birds…..! everything they have said,we all have the same beliefs !!!

    A GAME MUST BE FUN..a game must give the oportunity to be played ANY time WE want and NOT any time YOU want us to play and unlock bots . . . return to your previous game play,allow us to unlock bots EASILY and make Tournaments/Events just for accessories lets say or for gems…

    UPGRADE the game !!! open areas,open the ”coming soon” thing,do anything possible to like the game again…may be you do all these to have more new players as you may think,but you will lose us veterans and consistent players since day 1 of the launch….


    Same here. I will only add this one point…

    My kids have been unable to play this game on their own since the challenge concept began. They don’t have the ability to play long enough, well enough, and consistently enough over 7-10 days to win a character.

    Therefore, I have been playing the majority of their challenge levels_. I have had to play and win every single challenge three times, as we have three different games. I have had to unlock every one of these characters 3 times, and my family and I are pretty tired of it.

    My kids used to love this game, which is why I continue to help them. But the part they found fun was unlocking new characters as they progressed through the game at their own pace at their own time. The challenges have completely removed that element of the game.

    We have spent well over $300 on this game including gems and telepods. That has ended, as my kids spend more time frustrated at the game now than enjoying it.

    The challenges have taken something fun and forced us to do it more than we want to and at times we don’t want to do it.

    There are fun aspects to the challenges. And they are ok every once in a while. I appreciate all the effort that has gone into making them better. I especially love being able to buy missing tokens with gems.

    But I feel making the challenges the only way to obtain new characters is likely running off a lot of players. For what it’s worth, none of my kids friends who used to play the game even bother with the challenges. They just simply quit playing.


    One more thought…this is a game. Games are supposed to be fun, not cause you to miss sleep or feel like the game is WORK. If it’s not fun, it’s not a game.


    Because of using new characters that we play in levels without an (that’s not the problem), this makes those levels with the giant flying pigs impossible because I always rely on the yellow minion pig transformer instead of the other one with the stun ability that shoots a straight line, so because of this I end up using this yellow one at the wrong time because I don’t know when these kind of levels is coming and because of how hard it is, I always end up wasting 10 and sometimes 30 gems just to stay alive because I can’t shoot the rockets easily (rockets aren’t the problem here either).
    The solution: at least provide a picture of a level of this event so I’ll know what I’m going to face or some indication, etc.


    @pampeans About your complaint with #4, I agree with you because I end up using a transformer that can’t shoot the rockets accurately enough making me waste my gems, but by all means in the case of your problem that can help with mine if you’re concerned is using the reddish pig with the stun ability. Just shoot next to your previous shots with it and a chain of lightning will help you knock them all out at once because they al, eventually fall.
    As for #5, you have to wait for the pictures of the transformer you played with after the level to show up then fade out into the bottom left area then play the event again. I learned this my way and it works everytime (in other words, no more crashes if you wait this long which is about 6 seconds).

    That’s all I can help you out with fixing the problems, so hope for the best.


    @paul13 I know your pain because I don’t know when these kind of levels show up, but just hope you’re using this at the right time when you’re using the red minion pig transformer. That has a stun ability and may stop being too hard, but hopefully it will take the kamikaze pig down for good, but I’m sure it’s there to just wipe you out and distract you.

    Cynical Bird

    @arceemega @lewie4 @gradientturtle7

    I play all the competitions. Please make the “goals” or whatever they’re called that give 10, 20, 30,…100 tokens easily reachable. They seem to get harder to get every competition. There was one in which I was able to do them. But all the others I haven’t reached all. It’s already hard enough to get number 1 (since only ONE person will get 1000 tokens). Let us at least get the 10, 20, 30…. token rewards easily.

    With this one my problem is how it’s 3 TFs being offered 3 accessories and no way to know if/when the competition will reappear and you’re unable to get it all without spending gems.
    Will another competition spawn soon afterwards with the same seekers, like was done with Windblade? Please let us know on this forum before the competition is over :)

    Other than that, I’m fine with the types of competitions that have been done in the past and now of destroying blocks or certain pigs, etc. Though my favorite is the one done with squads as you are rewarded for choosing from the squad even though it MAY not be the best TF choice. There was also one in which almost anything counted in addition to the specific thing to destroy giving 10 pts, anything else counted as 1 (pigs, energon, blocks) but it seems that system of counting has mostly been removed. Only blocks count on this one whether is 10pts or 1pt.

    The Dark Knight

    I posted in wrong thread my previous message. So people i didn’t know that we can buy the tokens with diamonds i tried out of curiocity and it works! here an image of my screen asking buy the rest amaount of tokens.

    buying the extra tokens



    OK, here’s a suggestion for future events:

    – let us play offline

    Wi-fi / mobile data are taken for granted nowadays, and yet there are times when we can be cut off from a reliable signal. It’s happened to all of us.

    Yes, I understand that for the Competition against other players, we need to be able to upload our scores so that rankings can be determined. But really, there’s no reason that we need to be online to earn tokens from the Challenge, as that’s only against ourselves. And it’s not an issue of nodes/maps, since we can play regular non-event nodes offline just fine.

    So how’s this compromise:

    1. A player must connect a minimum of twice each special event day to qualify for the Competition. The first time is when they run their first special event node, so that they can be sorted into a cohort along with other players who started at the same time.

    2. Additional connections must be made to upload your updated special event score to the servers. If you fail to do so, then you’re stuck with your original score when the final tallys and rankings are determined. If you connect sometime during the event day, but not at the end of the event day, then you’re stuck with whatever score you had at your last refresh.

    3. If you don’t (or can’t) connect online at all, you can still score points and earn tokens from the Challenge, so it’s not a total write-off if you’re out of signal.

    So if for some reason you can’t connect at all during the nine days of the special event (say you went on a canoeing trip), you can still potentially earn 9 x 550 = 4,950 tokens from playing the Challenge only, which in the current special event would enable you to exchange for one of the three TFs with a few tokens left over.

    Hope this makes sense.


    About the only thing I really like in this competition is the fact the transformers are at full health each time you go to play.


    I’ve read all the feedback from the dedicated players of this game and agree with everything said so far. I really hope that you understand that most of the players are frustrated with the game play. For me, this challenge is no different from the other challenges. By that I mean it is repetitive and painfully BORING to continue to do the SAME runs with the SAME characters. Challenge the players with something different and exciting for a change. Just don’t change the color of the blocks and add a few new characters. That’s not a new challenge! It seems as though no one is any longer putting any thought into this game or the challenges. We are hungry for new areas to open and explore.


    About the only thing I really like in this competition is the fact the transformers are at full health each time you go to play.

    This isn’t completely true. Transformers at at full health until you obtain them. Also, the transformer that is currently in the upgrade mode is restored as well. If it’s *not* being upgraded at the moment (for example, you miss a particular ingredient and wait for the portal mission end to get it), it needs to be recharged and you can’t select it for the event mission while it’s recharging.

    What the competition needs badly is time zone separation. Americans and Chinese can monitor the end of the game day at their respective evenings and mornings, which gives them a permanent unfair advantage over Europeans, who have a choice – either leave their scores unattended at the critical stage of the competition and hope that nobody will outrun them in remaining hours, or lose their sleep for a whole week.


    @werehamsta It has to be a programming error for it to not start at full health once you own the TF. But, just to confirm. As long as the TF is in process of upgrading, he will start at full health. If he’s not in process of upgrading, you have to heal him yourself.


    @werehamsta Happened to me too.


    I think you are right @millforce2k


    This is alitte off topic, I’m sorry to have to ask but here it is I’m color blind and figure out which seeker to use with the block colors I see red yellow and blue blocks, the seekers colors don’t match to me. Would someone please list the seekers by name and which color blocks go with them. Thank you

    Cynical Bird

    Hrm offline play seems like a bad idea. Could be prone to hacking, editing the data before it gets uploaded. Also people will REALLY flip out, when they have a 10k lead lets say, and suddenly the guy with 1k jumps above them b/c they’ve played offline and kept their score hidden until the end.


    As a fellow colorblind (but apparently less acutely so!), I feel your pain! The pig on the left is Skywarp, and he’s the purple one. The red one is Starscream, in the middle. And the yellow one is Sunstorm, on the right. Good luck!


    Your awesome, thank you for taking the time to help me.


    @cheeto,just unlock the bot on your is the best one and most likely,the one that cause more damage…just my opinion,@poptimus already answered your question :)


    Just an update on shrapnel… I haven’t noticed a real difference with or without him. I’m tempted to say sunstorms explosive force looks LESS with shrapnel, but it’s probably just my imagination.


    well,i was also thinking the same it my imagination,is it more powerful,is it less…? i cant really tell !!! may be my imagination force me to think it is more powerfull,but may be this is bacause it is already Lvl 11 and it seems to me stronger….

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Feedback: Live Event – Seekers

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