Feeling manipulated…

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    I am having a hard time getting my bank to approve feather loans… Maybe my credit score needs more stars?

    The manipulation is to be expected tho. That’s how they make their money. As much as we don’t like it that’s the revenue stream. A very static environment can’t keep you interested for long, otherwise we’d still be playing original AB.


    OK… just had 2 new ‘manipulations’ during my most recent run in the arena, BOTH OF WHICH made me lose and cornered me to either pay to advance and watch the video (for Rise Of Tyrants) and pay to advance. I wish I thought of just videotaping these as proof before I start playing, but I don’t care enough about this game to go through that effort.

    1. Shot blues from the slingshot who immediately disappeared. That’s right, didn’t hit a target, didn’t travel any distance, just vanished. I confirm I shot them straight ahead.

    2. Bomb blew up on contact with trampoline instead of bouncing. It was the very first thing I shot so there was no chance of any other debris possibly causing this. I didn’t accidentally tap the screen to detonate it.

    What are you guys doing over there at Rovio, anyway?

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Feeling manipulated…

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