Game Need Fixeds

Hi all. i just loged for the tell my ideas about game. 1= make items a little helper. Not game changer (my most char have 2x SS) 2= Take Care of leaderboard. We dont want cheaters. 3= the GG chests not giving anything. Used more than 500 (yes more than it. i am in top300 in LB now. So gaining more point) all i got A-B-C items. - didnt get any ship energy, didnt get S item, didnt get 3000 gold item. - increase ship + Bird energys from tham. 4= Sometimes fight over bedore someone got Zero heal. So many time i lost for example. i am hiting 100 Enemy hiting me 80 i have 270 heal left, enemy 274 heal left. And fight overing i am losing. Why? if duel isnt over and we do hit just 1 more time i will win. Fix it for a fair duel. 5= take care of hackers. i saw a lvl 100+ bird (i do win duel) 6= Watch Video not working after last update. i am geting black screen and have to reset game. (Asus zenfone 5) 7= 13 day event really so long. i wish to didnt started, its really painfull 13 day. i do prefer 7 day is enough for it.
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