What Rovio Should Do Now

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum What Rovio Should Do Now

  • Ok, so it’s the servers problems, where some servers are working and some are not, and that’s why the game is working for some players but not for others.

    I think instead of posting apology messages (if you can call them apologies) on Facebook, and with all the programmers are probably away on vacation, the problem is not going to be fixed until after the New Year next week.

    The players right now are angry because nobody knows what’s going to happen. For those players who can’t play the game, they are worried that they are missing out on the chance to be in the top-500 ranking.

    Rovio should just post messages and let people know what kind of compensation, IF any, will be given to the players. I think that’s ALL people care about now.

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  • Doc471

    Basically for some people the game is fixed while not for others. This has to do with server allocation (like, some servers for a continent or world region, some for specific countries, etcetera) and how some are working flawlessly while others are experiencing outages.


    they cant do anything i believe.

    if they erase everyones points, its not fair to players who spend days without stop on event.

    if they dont do anything, this time to not fair for the players they cant enter event.

    So i believe they will just send some gems to everyone (or just server problem players) for a sorry

    Or they will just send a SS blue item (which 10000 point reward is)

    Thats my thought.


    @skayra I really hope you are wrong, but you are most likely to be right.
    Rovio will probably give out 20 gems or some kind of MEDIOCRE SS item. (no gold coins please)

    For me, I would like them to give the starfish-pig-event ship parts to everybody who has fought the monster pig at least once before the whole bug fiasco. But this is probably not fair to those people who were waiting until the last week before start fighting the monster pig.

    This time, Rovio really made a big boo-boo. It’s probably unintentional, after all, nobody knows when servers will fail, plus it’s the holidays, and people are away on vacation. But still, it’s a big boo-boo, so I think simple 20-gem or mediocre SS item will be so inadequate.



    Guys, please check if you can play. My server-region is North America (USA), because I logged in without problems like, right now.


    @doc471 It’s still crashing on me. The thing is that, it depends on which server you are connected to. Some servers are working, and some are not. So……


    @tomt (no gold coins pls)

    right. i have 1 million gold. Enhanced all SS items even bad SS items i never use.

    Now started enhance S collected items still have 1 million. There nothing to do with gold. i think Every leaderboard player dont need gold cause all have more than they needed

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