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  • troisdsmax

    @eggstealer is your working account past island 2?

    Feom what I can figure out this bug is related to the monster event. If you have no access to monster event (new game) no problem.

    I can confirm that you get points by killing monster in 1 shot even if the game crash.

    No way to know your score nor your rank.

    If anynody has access to monster event please say score of 200th place.


    I also have two accounts linked to Facebook — Account A (crashes) and B (works). B is in my tablet Nexus 7. A is my phone Nexus 6. Then I swapped the accounts. Surprisingly, B works on my phone; and A still crashes on my tablet. So, the problem is not the devices. One of their servers seems to be down; and that server is associated with my account A.
    I tried to do the temporarily workaround to account A, and it worked also; so I was able to complete the daily challenges.


    @troisdsmax i am at 11155 point, top133.

    Top1 have 26.000 point.
    Top2 24000
    Top3 23000

    i dont have any lag, dont open, disconnect problems. game work well for me (hust event bosses missing problem sometimes, but its not new)

    Lol idk how this ppl geting that hight scores. they would use really so much gem for that scores. At first day of event i had like 1000 point by played without stop and top1 was 8000 point


    Number 200 has 10356 point
    150 has 10791 points
    100 has 11348 points
    50 has 12980
    10 has 16008
    1 has 25953

    Funny thing that in my ranking overview first place does not have 26000 points..! :-/

    (Have two accounts as well. Older one does not work. New one is fine. Server issue.)

    Marvin Bryan Tuinhout

    What is going on arround here, i am playing this game for almost a year now, all my birds are level 35. I have spend a lot of money on this game, now all my data with facebook is gone. I also have a kid who is 8 years and is also playing this game once in a while. His heart is broken, because all data is gone.

    Rovio if you don’t fix this i,m going to make a complaint at Google.


    @marvin-bryan-tuinhout They sure will fix it, but as seen on a Facebook page, someone had a reply from Rovio and technical people are on christmas vacation, so it will stay like this for a while.

    you will make it to top 500 with this problem. In my case I have the problem, I can still fight pigs but the game crash after the log page with calculating score.

    I had 3056 points BEFORE it happened. I received the 3500 points 5 gems reward yesterday.

    I did over 12 monsters since then (and I haven’t received the cat for 4K points)

    So my points are not all calculated for sure. since I did at least 4 rare one which grant me 150+ points.

    This event is clearly out of range for me and I don’t care much about the top 500 reward. But the SS weapon for the Blues I do care and the gold Hat for Stella…

    I tried on 3 different device and my account always close when I try monster events.

    So there must be multiple servers where player are on and one or many of them are broken. People with non broken one have a great advantage on this one.

    I hope they fix it before end of event and do like they did in the past and double points rewarded for monster to give people more chance on the 10k reward.


    i hope they fix too.

    thats not fair to players.

    Btw i log my friend facebook char for help her for top10000 but its opening lvl 0 char when i log her facebook account :/

    When she log it, its opening her char, but when i log its showes lvl 0.

    maybe its not having any problem on me because i am not using facebook login. i am playing without any login


    Same for me still since yesterday. Anyone know if Rovio is working on it?


    @sealy I have no idea… And I’ve asked them in Twitter and FB, all official accounts :/


    @Doc471 I just posted in bugs& issues, am looking for the help area nowand will post there. They MUST know about it by now.


    @Skayra How many normal/rare starpig did you kill?


    @troisdsmax lvl 63 normal pig. Lvl 57 rare pig.

    Very soon my only chance of earning points is keep check if anyone need help. Too bad right now not much ppl need help so my point earning will be stop soon



    [Via Official ABFight Facebook page:]

    Fight! is currently going through technical difficulties that undermines play experiences and in some cases prevent starting the game.
    Fight! team has been and is still working very hard trying to resolve these issues as quickly as possible.
    We hope to be able to update you with good news soon.

    Thank you for being with us even at the toughest times and we will continue our quest to make Fight! a better game!


    So, what is everybody doing during this down time?

    Rovio now has completely taken out the monster event. Even when you bypass the bug and enter the game, whenever you encounter a starpig, the game freezes and crashes, unlike before, when you could still fight the monster pig.


    @tomt Well, leveling up the birds of course. And finishing the islands because there’s a new one (recently revealed like, 2 or 3 weeks ago aproximately).

    What can I say? I need gems and to build a strategy for the future :)


    I had no login problems at all. I was using only one device (iPad 3) and Digits (phone number) for online backup.

    Thank you for an official statement. It is great to know that Rovio is working hard to fix these problems.


    There is a saying this morning that event score have been reset for everyone?? anyone can confirm this? I can’t since my game is broken, there was another statement somewhere saying the event was stopped but I still encounter monster after fights.


    It is not true. I just fought yellow pig#66 and brown pig #82.

    Rank #1- 30,471
    Rank #100- 14,167
    Rank #200- 12,704


    Thank you


    is it fixed yet?

    Michele Jones

    The same thing has happened to me. If I delete the game I can start from scratch and it will work but as soon as I try to get my data by loggin in – it closes and will not open.


    Finally it looks to be fixed at least for me now. No more crashes.

    Fixed for all or anybody still have some problems?

    Aron Silzle

    I received a sorry it is now fixed… but I’m still crashing at login. I’m on a Galaxy S4 Android. Anyone else still crashing?


    I also received a fixed message, but it didn’t work for me. So, I opened another ticket with them.


    still not working for me…..

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