General Question…

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  • Does anyone know how or why this happens? Sometimes I fire a bird and it clears the level. I hit the fast-forward button and when I get to the next level the bird that I had previously shot in the previous level does damage in the current, new level.

    I hope I explained that well/clearly enough. It’s always nice when it happens but I’m wondering if there is a reason it happens or if there’s a way to make it happen more often. I play every day and it rarely happens.

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  • Twisted Lemon

    I think that’s just a bug that happens sometimes with the FF button or with the transition between rooms. I’ve had it happen from time to time and it’s clearly not meant to happen intentionally. It is nice though when it does happen but I wouldn’t bother waiting on it to happen frequently.


    Same here. It happens so rarely that it’s hard to detect a pattern. The only thing I’ve noticed is when the next room is an extension of the current room (as opposed to an entirely different room) and a bird or shrapnel flies from one to the next it can cause some damage in the next room. But that’s nothing you can really plan for.


    depend on how lucky you are for this thing happens


    It has happened to me too, but extremely rarely. Amazing!


    Thank you all for the responses. Glad I’m not the only one that has ever noticed this before. I guess it being some kind of glitch is most likely the case.


    I don’t think it’s a glitch. It’s more of a kind of strange thing that happens unexpectedly.  For example :

    – The pig with the balloon will fall off by itself if you only wait long enough.

    – Some structures completely or partially self-destruct without shooting a bird.  You just have to wait for it with patience.

    – With a bit of luck, you can create a lot of damage in a level with spitting rocks because the stones constantly slide onto the crystals. Rovio had noticed that and had defused it a little bit.

    – In some levels there are flowers off the screen that spit objects back and cause damage.

    – There are rarely situations in which a pig remains outside the screen and is unreachable. If you haven’t Bomb to throw in that direction, you will not be able to finish.


    Anyone who knows more situations like that?


    sometime that balloon will remaining forever



    @jaspertm-l, I don’t understand what you mean by “splitting rocks.”

    You will encounter hidden pigs every so often, and more usually pigs that are unreachable. I try to keep a chile pepper in reserve for situations like that, although sometimes a pig inflator will do the job.

    He said “spitting” not splitting. Referring to lava levels where the gargoyles will sometimes keep triggering each other in a loop.

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