Gathering snoutlings in AB EPIC?

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  • Chris

    There is a new update out with 2 new caves. Can anybody confirm that you can still earn 100+ Snoutlings in SRC with this version? Otherwise I won’t update till I have 100’000 Snoutlings. I am at 55’000 now.

    Angry Johnny

    If they have nerfed it you better hurry. If this update is like the last then the game will force you to update to the latest version within 24 hours after release, if you do not the game will not start.


    Oh really? :-O


    @chriss you still can get 100+ snoutlings after update in SRC. I just checked, that wasn’t change. I also checked King Pig’s Castle, unfortunately it gives only lousy cca 30 snoutlings per battle.


    @cosmo2503. Thanks for letting us know, dude! Thank God! I would’ve been in a world of hurt if SRC had been nerfed! ;-) You’ve made my morning! Legend!


    @angryde, @cosmo2503 I also can confirm that StarReefCastle has not been nerfed. I did notice, however, that my Android Emulator trick hung twice yesterday on a “Loading” screen so I only gained 14,000 snoutlings over the 10 hours it was working. 14000 snoutlings is the equivalent of spending $30 USD on Lucky Coins to get snoutlings… but I spent $9 one time on the remouse program.

    The other advantage to automation: I’ve raised my bird levels for Captn, Bard, Trickster, and Wizard with no effort on my part.

    The current set that plays well on StarReefCastle Level 37:

    • Lightning Bird (6) with Phoenix set,
    • Bard (6) with no set, but yin fan; and
    • Trickster (7) with plushies set.
    • And a 10% battle booster.
    Zack Voyager

    Well, my best advice is to replay all waves battles and wait for some wealthy rogues, who give 50 snouts + bonus ones when being attacked. But… Does anyone know the apparition logic of these little rich pigs ???


    I like to play the wave battles to farm for ice chilli’s, apples, cherries etc. and for a few coins and the little wealthy pig. You also have to wait for fewer adds. The wealthy little pig comes by often enough. Sometimes you will get 2 or 3 in relatively quick succession, and then there will be a break. But you are better off playing the star reef castle if you just want snoutlings.


    @Kerravon @zackvoyager — Star Reef Castle seems to be best for snoutlings. Buying potions with snoutlings seems like a better deal than farming for ingredients. Buying ingredients is a bad deal, even if you have a lot of some and not enough of others.


    @Kerravon @zackvoyager I agree with @mvnla2 about purchasing vs farming. Of course now that I’ve got a “snoutling production line” going on, I spend zero time on resources, EXCEPT that there are some easy locations where the Wealthy Rogue pops up about 5-10% of the time… those are worth farming because you also get snoutlings.

    A corollary, however, is that it does NOT make sense to use more than a few potions to complete a dungeon. You’d be spending more than you are earning, aka, behaving like the US Government. :-)

    [You get 5 potions for 300 snoutlings – that 60 snoutlings each, and in most dungeons the maximum payout is 375 snoutlings – and on top of that, unless you’re super revved up, you have to borrow a bird to complete most dungeons].


    Ran SRC a few times this morning. Only 2 of the 3 birds I used got mastery points. Anyone else notice this?


    I haven’t tried SRC today, I switched to DPC and found that I get more mastery, but it takes way too long to defeat Porky with the birds I’m trying to “level up” so I reset the game before killing Porky. Curiously, I’m getting the highest “mastery per hour” on that level and the lowest snoutlings per hour. (See my post here)


    how did i keep my screen opened with Iphone? I play SRC on autoplay but i have to keep touching the screen every while for it not to close…
    also can i set it to play on and on again or do i have to press the auto play button each time the level ends?


    Some guys were talking about how they automated the phone to keep it playing, but I think they’re android users. Is there a tutorial for it? Or if anybody can tell which are the needed apps, that’d be great!


    @joeyba Go to settings/general/auto-lock and you can change it from 1 to 5 min or turn it off, but turning it off will really suck your battery dry if your phone isn’t plugged in.

    Only Android users have the programs to emulate ABE on a PC and automate the mouse clicking. Apple was actually one of the first companies to provide this kind of automation with Macro Maker back in the 80s with System 6.0 and it came free with the OS. I don’t know why they stopped supporting it.


    The bottomless cave today was full of large pigs (2 per wave), including a really big Frost Hog on the last wave (by himself). You can forget about using auto-play; you’ll be lucky to get through it without potions. I did, but it required a fair amount of concentration.


    @redknight @killerkea You don’t have to be an “Android” player to use an Android Emulator (the trick I’ve been using to make the game self play). Indeed, I play manually on my iPad or iPhone. But my windows machine runs all night while I sleep and all day while I work pounding piggies into oblivion as an Android “GT 5200” device. To use multiple devices you need a rovio account, however.

    I’ve posted the video link showing how it works many times… But here it is again.

    PS You can run the Genymotion Android Emulator on a MacBook Pro – it’s working for me, at least.


    @Toothgnasher — OK, you don’t need Android. What if you household is 100% Apple?


    @Toothgnasher — I mistakenly assumed that re-mouse program you also use wasn’t available for Apple users.


    @mvnla2 “What if your household is 100% Apple”
    You mean besides having paid too much for a computer? :-)
    See my answer below.


    There doesn’t seem to be a remouse for the mac, but there are alternatives. Apple has built in Automation, but I also found something by murgaa.
    [Free – seems to work with Genymotion emulator per my quick test.]


    Here is the emulator self-running on a Mac


    @toothgnasher : wow thanks! I missed your original post about it, I’ll give it a try!!!


    @redknight No problem. I actually have two games I’ve been playing one on my iPhone, one on my iPad. I ran my iPhone game on the mac overnight last night. At the same time I ran the iPad game on my Windows emulator. I started the iPhone game at level 37 on the mac emulator. When I woke up this morning, the iPhone game was maxed out on level 41 and I had accrued 9,000 snoutlings. The iPad game accrued 11,833 snoutlings and 13223 total mastery.

    Not bad for 7 hours of sleep. :-)

    Indeed they are still both running unattended and stealing my mouse away from me every so often as I type this. My iPad Bard should be level 8 in less than three hours, while Trickster will take 14 more hours to get to level 9.
    Chuck and company battling the bad piggies


    @toothgnasher how do i let the game run on my MacBook Air is i play on Iphone?
    I mean how do i transfer it to Mac? :) help please
    is it just for Android??


    @joeyba If you have created a Rovio account, all you need to do is login on a different device. Easy peasy.

    In my case my “iPhone” game is one account, my “iPad” game is another, and I have still one more. You might want to read this, too.

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