Gathering snoutlings in AB EPIC?

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  • Anonymous

    What I do for Snoutlings sometimes is I go to Cave 3 level 7 and bring Druid Skulkers and Mccool. I battle normally until I find a 6 or 7 enemy wave. Once I find one every round I use Druids healing Skulkers Tricksy Trick and Mccools attack without auto play. This way I get about 14 Snoutlings every round. I use the chili on Druid to keep health up.


    @partshade — Thanks for the info; haven’t tried that one yet. How many snoutlings in total did you get? What level are your birds? From my point of view, having to play manually is a disadvantage. Since you don’t really care if you lose on auto-play, you could just let it continue, right? When you lose, just restart, you will still be able to use McCool if you restart without leaving the battle (going out to the cave level).
    [Edit]: Forgot to ask: Are there ghosts on that level?


    @mvnla2@ To answer your questions: I don’t keep track of how many Snoutlings after how long because I stop when I want but it is a good chunk. My birds level are 33 with level 29 set items. I never tried it but I doubt that Skulkers use Tricksy Trick all the time on auto. There are some of the weaker ghosts on level 7 but mostly pilots.


    For Star Reef Castle, i use this comp:

    Currently lvl 35
    – Red Paladin (rang7, with dragon set)
    – Bomb Cap’tain (rang7, with Paper/scissor)
    – Blue Trickster (rang7, robot set)

    – First wave: Cheer, red pepper on bomb finish with red and rebuff on second turn ( use Whip up on red on blue doesn’t matter)
    – nuke them and refresh on last round ( if u got 1 enemy up don’t kill him immediately, refresh with blue then bomb and heal with red )
    – nuke them
    – nuke them but on last round try to refresh Whip up on Blue and Cheer.
    – Boss: Red pepper on Blue, and after that just damage him. If i got some proc with the set it last between 3-4 turn, i doesn’t even get hit by him.

    If u got proc often then you don’t spend more than 2 turn ( 3 maybe ) on each waves. So it’s pretty quick.


    @MVNLA2, @Partshade :
    What is the best level to gain Snoutlings totally on autoplay to 100% ? What composition ?
    I have only a set of complete item: Sugar Rush de Bomb.


    @GrimmJow — Not sure I know the answer, and I think we are using somewhat different strategies. If you are using McCool to rack up snoutlings, it is actually better if you lose on auto-play, because you can just continue using McCool if you restart, and you don’t have to keep very careful track of the battle.
    Right now I am using McCool on auto-play in the daily dungeon (Trick or Treat Castle), and have gotten ~300 snoutlings in 3 or 4 rounds. There seems to be a fairly high incidence of the wealthy rogue, which autoplay sometimes, but not always, takes out.
    I am using my strongest Paladin and Princess, Matilda with Yin/Yang, Paladin with a mixed set.


    @grimmjow my old buddy! =)

    I suppose it depends on what you mean by 100% auto play..?

    As @mvnla2 pointed out, it all depends on your preferred approach… (for pure set-and-forget simplicity, @mvnla2’s strategy is golden).

    I’m a big fan of star reef castle – I use level-37 birds – Samurai-8, Wizard-6 and Druid-6 – and they always complete this wave-battle nicely… plus, that combination permits a degree of re-spawning on the fourth wave (necromancer, ghost-thing and zombie pig).

    I just have my iPad in front of me at night while watching the TV or whatever… it’s one click every 5-8 minutes… I’ve been farming about 3000 snoutlings a night.

    That’s enough for all the snoutling-purchasable upgrades every 3x hours as well as the ridiculous number of potions I need to knock-over the orange void-portal wave battle two or three times a day!


    @MVNLA2, @Angryde :

    Thank you for your answers.

    I am going to test this technique, the daily donjon with McCool.
    At the moment I have only a character with rank 7 and one with rank 6.

    It is true that Star Reef Castle is nice because the boss of the end offers 100 Snoutlings. But in the autoplay block at the level of zombies because they return to the life and the IA is aps capable of anticipating that.
    And I hear by autoplay 100 % the fact that I do not have to intervene, just to launch the party all 5 min.

    Thus until my characters are more powerful, I am going to make with McCool.

    It is true that I did not post any more for a long time…
    Other games AB do not require such a community mutual aid and since the last update of AB go, I make only the daily challenge thus not much say.

    But it is not parceque I do not post that I am not there, on the contrary ;)


    I tested this composition on Star Reef Castle autoplay and I win all the time at the moment.
    Lvl 36
    Paladin (7) : no full special set
    Thunderbird (6) : no full special set
    Tricksters (5) : no full special set

    So if you have a better rank and one or more full special set, you can win too ^^


    @grimmjow I have to agree with @mvnla. Trick Or Treat castle is the way to go! If its not Friday though just go anywhere that has undead pigs. Your bird lineup doesn’t really matter since it’s ok to lose.


    For the record, Epic quit on me while I was doing auto-play with McCool shortly after my previous post. So for today my total from Trick or Treat was 370 snoutlings, not what I was hoping for. I am just now at level 36, and I have level 7 Paladin and Sea Dog, the rest are level 5.


    @Partshade :

    If it is not on Friday I have to find a level where there are zombies and where I can use McCool ?
    What level ?


    @grimmjow. One of the Chronicle Cave multi-wave battles..? Several of those had undead, didn’t they!?


    @Angryde :

    Yes but which one ? I can select McCool only once quite the 12 hours, thus I shall like avoiding making a mistake.


    @GrimmJow — You can enter the battle with 2 birds to see what the enemies are, and then if they are undead or ghosts you can pick McCool. I think I posted a list of good Cave levels somewhere, but maybe not. Will look later.


    @grimmJow — This is what I was thinking about:

    Gathering snoutlings in AB EPIC?

    There are some other good suggestions on the previous page and the top of this page.
    Please let us know if you find a better level.


    @mvnla2. Sorry to read about your crash/quit. That reeks! We obsessives can’t survive on 370 snoutlings per day! Lulz. :-)


    Found an excellent candidate for autoplay snoutling farming. Mouth Pool now requires a friend. Been playing this morning with Cleric, Cap’n with pickpocket set, and Piggy McCool. They get hung up on the third to last wave and will end up picking up 2-300 snoutlings per restart, when the regenerating ghosts finally outnumber and overpower the crew, hit restart and go again.


    @burbman – sweet find, dude! I’ve experimented with ‘Mouth Pool’ before but found it oddly frustrating for some reason. I’ll give it another try! I need all the snoutlings I can get… as I’m downing a lot of potions on the (orange) ‘Into the Void’ portal – final boss dragon (green!) I hate that SOB!


    In my opinion Star Reef castle on auto play is the best way to get snoutlings for multiple reasons.

    1. You earn snoutlings faster than using Piggy McCool.
    2. You gain mastery for your characters
    3. You can play it on auto play
    4. You aren’t as limited in your choice of birds to use
    5. 3 of your birds are gaining large amounts of mastery compared to only 2 birds gaining a tiny amount of mastery in Mouth Pool since you aren’t killing anything.

    If you have some good set items and a good mastery level, then all you need to beat it on auto play is a healer, a bird that can dispel and a third team member that does good damage.

    Team for beating Star Reef Castle on auto play
    1. Healer – Druid, Bard, Cleric, Princess and Rainbird all work fine. I haven’t tried the Priestess yet.
    2. Dispeller – Trickster or Captain are best. Lightning bird can dispel, but it is only 65% of the time. Samurai also works even though he can’t dispel. His defensive formation is almost the equivalent of dispel since it reduces damage 40-50% and he will always use it or a rage chili right before WizPig attacks.
    3. Any bird that can help your team do a fair amount of damage. Otherwise you might lose a bird on wave 3 or get stuck on wave 4 where the Banshee and Necromancer can summon ghosts and undead.

    Because you can switch between Trickster, Captain and Samurai you can train all your classes. I’ve used this to help nearly all my birds gain mastery levels, but what really helps is being able to buy all the training in the dojo with the snoutlings earned here.


    @MVNLA2, @Partshade, @Angryde :

    I shall have a question concerning the discount obtained thanks to Eagles Cards (after all if we want to gain Snoutlings it is to pay to the Dojo)
    I have at present 12 cards and I obtain – 16.5 % (1.375 by card).

    has 19 cards and obtains – 21.75 % (1.145 by card).

    The relationship is not the same for one card, me there concluded that the % obtained for every additional card decreases every time.
    Only I am lacking data, would you know what is the formula to obtain the % according to the number of cards ?


    Less than a day after the update came out I accurately predicted and posted the formula in the “Update 1.1.1 Out Today” post and I only had 2 data points at that time.

    The mastery discount is 7.5% + (.75% * # of completed cards).


    Couldn’t of said it better myself!


    True, it seems to be a linear formula:

    y = 0.75x + 7.5

    x is the number of stamp cards, y is the mastery discount in %


    So we need 124 stamp cards to get the mastery for free.


    @chriss Wouldn’t that be great? Wonder what Rovio would do if that happened. They would lose lots of sales thinking you can make your birds as strong as you want.

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