Community Chat – A Place for Weary Flingers

Home Forums The Bloated Pig Community Chat – A Place for Weary Flingers

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  • Brian N

    Met the angriest man in Britain today he was running that classic used book/record shop combo in Chester-le-Street.Anyway my mum made the mistake of asking him if there were any charity shops in the high st.

    “Any charity shops?!Any charity shops?!The place is bloody full of them…killing off high st…nobody can buy anything new…council conspiracy,they want everyone to go bloody Durham…I wish I’d stayed in Stockton(that paragon of high st. fashion)

    Anyways after I’d mopped up the blood and we’d extricated ourselves from the shop I said to mum “Think you can refrain from mentioning charity shops while we’re here?”

    Ironic given he was flogging second hand books and records.

    Brian N

    London New York Paris Milan Stockton

    Given Fiery Jack was up early doors we’ll launch straight into G is for

    Gramme Friday

    Brian N

    Now one of my personal favourites H has to be for Hip Priest

    We’re whizzing through the alphabet guys,by the time you wake up it’ll be over.

    Brian N

    Well I’ve eaten so much crap decided to detox with beans on toast for tea.(Stop laughing)The toast was easy but I couldn’t figure out my sister’s tin opener and after leaving the can of top quality Branston beans battered and bruised but unopened I settled for a can of Tesco’s own complete with ring pull.Bet Gordon Ramsay doesn’t have these problems.

    Anyway I can hear you:”Please Brian give us one more Fall track before bedtime.”

    Ok but just because it’s a classic.

    I is for Industrial Estate

    Brian N

    Your impending visit to the dentist @desperate-dan reminded me of my recent encounter with my own dentist (affectionately known as Timmy Mallet). After he’d finished he took an x-ray,looked at it and said:”There’s still some infection inside the tooth.That should clear up by itself in the next year or two.”

    Totally deadpan.

    Desperate Dan

    Call that an infection! My infection has been lurking for several years and never clears up.

    Brian N

    It must be a thing.

    Bet you’re all glad Champions League footy is back but not for the first time I found myself disagreeing with those clueless pundits.Before the Liverpool game even kicked off pitch side one of them said as the CL theme music kicked in:

    “That music never gets old.”

    No only written by Handel in1727.

    Anyway J is for Joker Hysterical Face

    Desperate Dan

    All I can say is that I’m glad we are not doing this in the Khmer language, which has 74 letters.

    Brian N

    I’ll take that as my cue.Best song ever about the demise of the beautiful game descending into corporate greed.

    K is for Kicker Conspiracy .



    I’m Fallen!

    rehab is up and down, at least I get to the pub!


    If you can’t beat them, join them

    Desperate Dan

    I knew getting a new jukebox for the new premises would be a mistake. I could take revenge. An A-Z of Steely Dan. About as diametrically opposite to The Fall as is possible. This has to be A. And by the way, this is the coolest album cover of all time IMO.



    Desperate Dan

    Think Twiggy may have OD’d on peanut and banana dog ice-cream on her birthday. Sent her on a 10 mile route march today to burn it off. She was bouncing across boulder fields like a goat. You’ll soon be up to that @hunnybunny.

    Brian N

    Are you calling our beloved bunny a goat?How dare you!Unless you mean greatest of all time of course.Wonderful choice of song (not you Dan Steely ) might’ve gone there myself however

    L is for Lie Dream of a Casino Soul

    Brian N

    I,m just waiting for @ixan57 to come in with an A-Z of Barry Manilow.

    There’s a point after 2mins of Aja where it sounds like it’s going to finish.Had it done so I’d’ve said not a bad little tune…6mins later…

    Brian N

    Sorry it all went a bit Spongebob there.Could handle a Beatles A-Z @catsnbirds.

    Brian N

    Now for something completely different.

    Brian N

    In case you’re wondering she has 14 fingers.

    Brian N

    So does Mr Bunny push you to the pub in a wheelchair @bunnybunny?Hope he’s not driving under the influence.

    Brian N

    Must be time for another one.We’re ripping through the alphabet.From the best footy song ever to the best ever song about the Falklands war.Well alright it wasn’t WWII but just saying.

    M is for Marquee Cha Cha

    Brian N

    So are Steely Dan your favourite band Dan or was it just a counterpoint to The Fall?Noted you’ve played a few of their tracks down the years including the Fez song.Have we got F covered?

    Brian N

    Ok time for one more.Conspiracy theories anyone? The dead cannot contradict.Sometimes the living cannot.

    N is for New Face in Hell.

    Brian N

    Mr Bunny comes to visit.

Home Forums The Bloated Pig Community Chat – A Place for Weary Flingers

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