Community Chat – A Place for Weary Flingers

Home Forums The Bloated Pig Community Chat – A Place for Weary Flingers

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  • Brian N

    Thought you would get away with it?

    Brian N

    Did I mention that this was a rum area? Knock on the back door and this woman says (after taking a step back)”Ooh are you living here?”

    I’m thinking ‘What’s it to you ‘ but ayk polite is my middle name so I say “Just for the week”

    “Oh” she says “Well have you got yesterday’s paper?”

    “Er I had it yesterday but I put it in recycling and it was taken away this morning.Not your lucky day is it?”

    “Oh well can you keep tomorrow’s?”

    “I’m going home tomorrow but I’ll let mum know you want her papers.”

    “Thanks ”

    When I told mum she said”Aye, she’s dolly dimple but harmless “.

    You must be wondering how I turned out so PC?

    Pay Your Rates


    Someone please turn Brian off!


    Brian N

    Go on if you think you’re hard enough.Only Gandalf has that power.

    Only one option for Q

    Quit iPhone

    Here Mark is in rare form sounding like Boss Hogg after a bottle of Jack Daniels.

    Bet you couldn’t quit iPhone Bunny.

    Desperate Dan

    Get him back on a ladder as soon as possible.

    Listen to this and tell me your feet aren’t tapping. Yes, the antidote is here and begins with B.


    Brian N

    Foot tapping or toe curling? Actually I quite like that one very old school rock n roll vibe and it came in under 6mins.

    There is however no antidote to The Fall.Some fantastic lines in this one:

    Menopause wives are hard to handle

    Swiss gnomes handing out potions

    R is for Rowche Rumble.

    Foot tapping and pill popping


    Brian N

    Shall Google Bodhisattva.

    Brian N

    Well Dan there I was just about to attain Nirvana when I had to pull back in order to help the suffering.Dang it!

    Brian N

    I shall continue to ease your suffering my friends by letting you know I shall be back up a ladder Monday and by playing another quirky number from The Fall

    S is for Stepping Out


    Desperate Dan

    I am listening to most of the stuff you are posting. I do find it difficult to hear what the lyrics actually are, however brilliant they may be. Is that just me or could it be that Mark is being deliberately obtuse? Out of character surely?

    Brian N

    I think MES was always quite open when talking about his music but he just had a singing style that makes the listener strain to capture his words.Some songs like Rowche Rumble seem fairly straightforward in their meaning while others like Stepping out are more obscure but that’s part of the fun building up a picture in your mind of what his real point is.Obviously in the end it’s whether you want to put in the effort.

    Brian N

    So many choices for T but it has to be Totally Wired

Home Forums The Bloated Pig Community Chat – A Place for Weary Flingers

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