Hard Update 1.25.x.x

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    Thank you



    I have no idea either.

    Perhaps they give a multiplier to the promotion bonus? But since I haven’t promoted Nemesis at all, there’s no way for me to check.


    @elpapam When you write full accessories which one do you use? For example for Ultimate Megatron I have Armada, Crown and Cawboy Hat and between this three you can use only. So which one do you use for maximum performance? For Dead End you can use Incendiary rounds, 5% Damage or 5% Transform Power. Again you can use only one at the time. This is for the most of the bots, so on what you bet when you have to choose? Defence or Demage or attack?


    @elpapam @optimuspig Rovio has this listed as well. All the green glow is that the bot does bonus damage to structures. That’s it.



    Thanks. Where is Rovio posting this information? Is it in the official ABT Facebook page that @lewie4 set up recently?

    Edit: found it. Info is on the Rovio website:



    @grimlockdown the purple pig is does more damage and is tougher to kill

    The Dark Knight

    @asen For Ultimate Megatron i am always Using Armada Headset, Acid Round (Mace) And the Sunglases. This is my most beloved Transformer ever setup! With this the 3/4 of a Spark Run i am destroying everything because the Gravity Power +25% of the Armada Headset & Mace Acid Rounds even without having always target a specific area it applies the gravity force with the acid and it’s far the best combo for absolute eradication! Even at events in missile days without even target anything just hit somewhere where ever you like any missiles on air are just explode and you get the points…

    Personally i am not using any Grimlock!

    thanks for the info!


    I think that no one told the flying pigs in the spark run that I backed down to level 10. Holy cow, I had my first run-in with a flying health pig. I unloaded on that thing with Ratchet, and made no dent. I am pretty sure that the pigs are coming at me at level 13 toughness


    Yep I did level 10 today and they pigs got all 3 of mine in the 3rd zone. Didn’t get all the sparks. Level 5 from now on me thinks lol


    My immature side finds the yellow water in the beach spark run sections hilarious!



    Since I got shredded on the third section of level 10 by flying pigs, I am going to have to rethink my strategy. I think the enemies are still at a level 13 toughhness, even though I am doing level 10. If I am not going to finish or get all the sparks no matter what, I may as well go for the higher level right away and end up with more sparks


    @joel687 Let’s just call it “acid water” ;)


    Level 16 – on the second try today I passed it. Very easy – Grimlock was killed in the last section, so I finished with second of my bot – Ratchet. Whole run was almost without any flying pigs ( hard one ) and has tons of ballong pigs, but they are easier to be killed and didn’t do any demage to the bot. Strange things that happend is – I think for the first time I see flying pigs in the middle zone that is like mines. I am pretty sure that this is first time that I see any pigs in that area, but again they were easy to kill and didn’t do a lot of demage. For level 16 I need 87000 points for full ssparks promotion, and with 205% bonus I was lucky enought to get 87108 points, so full promotion for me on that day – 250 sparks. Tomorrow continue at level 17.


    Instead of doing my Sparkrun at L15, I decided to downshift to L12. I was able to complete it and get my full reward of 210 sparks, even though I lost two TFs in the process. So still a better result than only getting 80% of 230.

    Weirdly, I still got the message at the end saying “Difficulty Unlocked”. So we’ll see tomorrow if I’ve really unlocked L16 or if it’s just a default message you get whenever you manage to make it to Astrotrain and earn full sparks.

    Including bonus, I scored somewhere around 84,000, which would probably have been enough to max out L15 (I wasn’t really paying attention since I wasn’t going to run L15 anyway) and was definitely enough to max out L14, even though I failed to max out L14 when I ran it yesterday, which is interesting.

    Flying pigs are ridiculously powerful.

    I still only got the purple and blue special pigs. Also, to give you an idea of how quickly the blue pig heals itself – usually a pig thrown off its blocks by a TNT explosion will take some initial damage and then splat when it hits the ground – this guy hit the ground at full health and just kept on rolling.



    I’ve seen flying pigs in the underground mines twice now. So it’s not common, but it definitely happens.

    I don’t usually bother with the balloon pigs, since they don’t give any sparks.


    @optimuspig You can’t see “Difficulty Unlocked” when you play on lower level. Other way I will play at level 10 and will unlock to level 100 after 100 days :). You will unlock next level only when you play at the highest level that you have. And also don’t calculate point when you play at level 12 and to compare them with this that you suppose to get from level 15. They should be completely different levels with completely different difficulties. Today I was lucky and get full 250 sparks at my run. Tomorrow if I go true the level probably wont get enough for the full spark promotion ( I hope I will ) but for the 4/5 part of it I should get 208 sparks. Of course there is always situation to have very hard level and to be killed early on the run and to get less.

    Is there any information about highest possible level that could be reached on the sparks run?


    @elpapam – Would Ultimate Megatron clear out a whole swarm of flying bots with one shot? If so, that might be a huge help for me on this

    The Dark Knight

    @joel687 run a test node somewhere on the map where ever you are and see for your self ;)
    And you will see why i am always using him!


    Level 17 – let’s say not vert hard run. It the middle of third part Grimlock was killed and pretty soon after that in the same part was killed Ratchet, then I succeeded to finish run with Nemesis. Nothing new and strange. There were no birds in mines sections. Total point at the end with bonus were enough for 4/5 of sparks reward – 208 sparkes taked from 260 total. I was pretty away from the total points needed – around 93000 points. With bonus I took around 76000. Probably could mention that there was a lot Falling towers, so I need to be in vehicle mode for a long time of the run. Tomorrow level 18.


    @asen thank you for the update so far and i found them very helpful. by the way, what is your team bonus percentage? my team bonus is 200%


    At this moment I am using Grimlock 105%, Ratchet 100% ( soon will be 105% ), and for this moment 3-rd bird I am using Nemesis. Now I am upgraiding Dead End and once he is ready I will start using him and will promote him with sparks for better bonus points.


    I tried L13 again today, and failed to max sparks by a whopping 67 points! GRRRRRRRRR

    I was working with a +185% promotion bonus.

    At least none of my TFs died – I decided to give the Coconut Hat (+20% Defense) at try on EGL and he managed to get through the entire Sparkrun alive, although I still had to recharge his health afterwards.


    Since sparkrun level 10 was too hard, I went for level 13 and passed it with full sparks. Go figure


    Got completely shredded in today’s level 16 Sparkrun. Started with L15 Deadend and died in the second section. L15 Nemesis Prime made it to the third section and encountered a swarm of kamikaze pigs and died. Up next, L15 GSGrimlock died a few seconds later with another swarm of kamikaze pigs. With 190% bonus, got 56k of the needed 87k and only 150 of 250 sparks. Will try same level tomorrow with NP first. I’ll probably have Deadend bring up the rear.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Hard Update 1.25.x.x

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