Has anyone been lucky enough to get the double bird masts?

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Has anyone been lucky enough to get the double bird masts?

  • No luck here yet. Wondering if anyone has gotten one yet. Such a powerful SS to have a bird go twice in a ship battle.

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  • tantan

    I’ve just got the Bomb mast. Besides the double attack bonus it has much better defense than my previous SS mast.


    @ezeromark when using that 4 Slot for 20 Gems I got Matilda on iPad & Chuck on iPhone. It seems to me I’m getting much better results with Chuck, I wish they’d been reversed though because my iPhone Ship is the Treasure Boat & its skill is increased Matilda ….. I would have had so much more success ; -)


    I got the red, Stella, and Chuck masts, I also got the korufune mast which let’s bomb attack twice also.

    Netto JM

    @reddragon544207, that’s a LOT, how many gems you used? I used 20 for a SS and got the SS mast that boost my defense against Shark Pigs, and that’s it, nothing more special, and useless after this event. ;-;


    I spent quite a bit of money to get them lol.


    Firt time I used 20 gems and I got a Stella double attack mast.

    Grzegorz Sk

    1 slot for5gems and i get the blues mast

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Has anyone been lucky enough to get the double bird masts?

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