Has Rovio abandoned AB2?

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  • Birdbrained

    Well my android version is not working properly. Can’t get videos. Only wants me to buy a 30 day letter so I can never finish the daily quests.  Rarely get gems in chests. And what the heck is with this picking 7 birds for a clan battle?!!   The arena game is just so messed up I am not even bothering with it.



    The current Clan Battle is part of the “Pick Your Flock!” event. During this event you must select any 7 birds to play the CB level.

    More info by Angry Birds 2 on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/angrybirds2/posts/4546970808694012/


    Ok, so it’s just after midnight on the 1st of september and the random crashes and video’s not playing have started already, how long was that, 1 week of stability ?


    If that’s just for Windows version of the game, post it at another thread “Issues in Windows version” next time; see below:

    Issues in Windows version


    The big problem here is there are severe issues in both versions of AB2.
    I got clan people who are losing their game due to Win 10 issues..
    I can’t even get a complete game in on the Android version. After 14 days I have all but given up on it.  I mean why bother trying to increase flock, when you can’t even finish the daily quests?

    I have been in 2 clans now on Android version. They all seem to have the same problem with NON PLAYERS as we do in the Win 10 version.. Costing the clan a victory.  SMH.. Oh well.. At least I am having fun playing Boom Beach on my tablet.



    You need a better Android device then. By the way, many people advertise their clans at the thread “Clan Recruitment Thread”, but most of them mainly play mobile version of AB2, including the Android version.

    Clan Recruitment Thread

    Don’t worry about the issues of the mobile version of AB2. The game is regularly updated for both Android and iOS. Have you attempted to contact AB2 support within the Android app “Angry Birds 2”?


    I need a better android?  Galaxy Tab A 10 inch screen.. 128G..

    mmm.. 14 days playing.. still no video, still wants me to get a 30 day letter, cannot finish daily tasks while that is happening. I am NOT buying gems for this version of the game. I will watch ads, but they are not working.. how long does it take? I uninstalled and reinstalled, and reloaded my saved game yesterday with no change in the game play..



    The Galaxy Tab A 10-inch device isn’t good for performance of AB2. Maybe that device and its screen are both problematic. I suggest you get a mid-tier or high-end smartphone or an iPad.

    As for the game, you don’t have to complete every quest every day. The gem letter is optional, you don’t have to buy it either. If video ads aren’t working in AB2, use a different mobile device and download the game.


    My android galaxy tab s4 works at least fine.


    Well Heres the list of issues for my Android version.

    15 days playing now.

    Only shows me the “buy a 30 day letter” on the daily quests.

    Watch a video – No video’s available.

    Play golden eagle boot camp. Get thru to room 5, that is 8 rooms. Its not giving me the golden coins.. still at zero. On my win game i get 20 for finishing 8 rooms.

    I sent them a problem report tonight.. but the android version is no longer a priority to me.. the hatchling will probably die off saving me apples.. then I can build them up and go to level 2 maybe.. Dunno..

    One other thing I noticed… the android version is a GEM eater.. major gem eater.



    The “buy a 30 day letter” is not an issue. We already know of it. Always like that even if you don’t buy. Regarding all other issues, bugs in AB2 may vary for some devices but not all. Recently there are alot of negative reviews of this game at the Google Play Store.

    Corrections: added “of this game” in context; full stop


    Well for the 3rd time in a row, Rovio has matched up our Win 10 clan with a clan in a higher league than we are in.  And once again we are getting our tails kicked. Not going to even bother with this one either if it keeps up.. we are at 1334 FP they are at 16289 FP and in Amnesth league.


    If that’s just for Windows version of the game, post it at another thread “Issues in Windows version” next time; see below:

    The opening post in this thread is about the windows version, so this is the right place

    my point is that rovio has more than likely stopped work on this version as i first downloaded it in, i think feburary and there have been no updates, afair

    and all the crashes i’m reporting are from it being blind luck if the game works after a windows update or not, however the game always works fine while the pc is not connected to the internet, so obviously rovio are not keeping thier netcode up to date and hoping the next windows update fixes the problem

    that’s if they are aware, (or care) about the problem

    Edit: i downloaded the android version last year, i think at the begining of december and there have been at least 4 updates since then, the last small one was in, i think july






    Birdbrained created this thread called “Has Rovio abandoned AB2?”. This is clearly not just about the Windows version. He clearly asked whether or not AB2 is abandoned by Rovio. Let’s clear the misunderstanding of this topic. Basically, Rovio are usually focusing on mobile gaming. That is why AB2 gets updated periodically for both of the major mobile operating systems (iOS and Android). Birdbrained’s mobile version of AB2 also still has had problems.

    Why don’t you post your compliant in the thread “Issues in Windows version” as well? Yes, the W10 app of AB2 hasn’t been updated since February. The only change in July was the allocation of Clan Battle egg points based on scores for a leaderboard.

    The last update of the mobile version of AB2 was on Aug 25. The game’s current version no. is 2.56.1.


    I never considered they just abandoned us, but it might help explain the problem we been having with our clan.   up to a few weeks ago,  we had constant full clan.   as soon as someone would leave or get kicked, we’d immediately have new people join and we’d have a full clan again.

    but for months now,  we have dwindled to 27 people and no one has joined in months.   it’s definitely been rather strange and I can’t figure out what’s going on.

    has anyone else had the same issue?

    thank you, any information would be greatly appreciated.   oh and yes, the clan is open.


    Same issue here.  I had to change the clan info to make it clear they had to do the clan battle to stay in the clan, but we still get a few who either log in and won’t do it, or just stop logging in. After 5 days we kick them or at the end of a battle, those who did not do it get kicked.  We are down to 22 core players. And have talked of ending the clan. Our clan is one of the oldest with a 4 number for our clan.. most of the ones I see now have 5 numbers..

    We have 2 long time players reporting serious problems with their win 10 version. I loaded it on a Galaxy A7 2019 tablet and the game sucked bad.. half the functions did not work and after 2 weeks I uninstalled it.

    Last 3 days I start to load the game on windows and it quits.. takes me 2 to 4 trys to get it to load.

    Daily challenge has become a joke. It takes 3 to 5 birds to get past the first room. Seems there is always 1 piggy that doesn’t die or moves to an impossible place where it takes another bird just to take it out.

    Arena is also a joke. All of my birds are at 89 with 2 at 90. Yet I was matched with someone with birds at 75, no spells either of us and he beat me by 20 million points. How is that possible without the game being rigged?

    Clan battles. We are in emerald, yet last 3 battles we got matched up against Amethest clans who promptly trashed us.   And the way they score the clan battle has changed twice in the last few months.

    No wonder people are leaving the game.

    This is why I think Rovio has abandoned the game. What few changes they do make it worse, not better.



    Avoid playing AB2 on any Samsung Tab A device at all costs. Their performance isn’t that great than other devices that uses more powerful processors.

    If you match with a Rovio system generated opponent (not a real player) in the Arena, their scores are manipulated instead of based on how much destruction they’ve done. People call the opponent a bot because they’re not a pre-recording of their play in the same stage. Typically, bot opponents have the original (level 1) sling and no Hatching. They always use Rovio randomly generated names.

    Will you consider yourself quitting AB2 because you’re unhappy with it?

    You’re not alone. Hundreds of thousands of people are still playing the mobile version of AB2. I still don’t think Rovio have abandoned them and the game. And if you use Facebook, I suggest you join the group “Angry Birds 2 Gamers” there.


    Furthermore, the mobile version of AB2 has been for 6 years. If it still does receive periodic updates, it’s very unlikely Rovio will intentionally abandon the game. I think you should quit it if you’re really dissatisfied. The same game for the Windows 10 platform is just a port of the mobile version of AB2 (the only exclusive functions are a cursor and a power button). Time to move on.


    Hey Wil-D, do you work for Rovio? Sounds like it.

    Yeah I uninstalled the android version. It would not work correctly. The game is Gem hungry, they are always trying to get you to buy gems or that 30 day letter.. It is pay to play, from day 1.  Never had a chance really. Even after 14 days.

    Like you said, time to move on and join the thousands who are leaving the game.



    I started playing AB2 shortly after the release in summer 2015, so I know alot about it. I don’t work for Rovio, but I’m just a member like everyone else within this forum. Though AB2 is free to play, Rovio just wanna demand more money from people like us. Your statement is purely your opinion; it’s your decision.


    Birdbrained created this thread called “Has Rovio abandoned AB2?”

    And have you actually read that post, other than the title >

    We know Rovio has stopped supporting the Apple IOS. How about the windows 10 platform?

    The first sentence is clearly asking about the apparent abandonment of the windows 10 platform, the only meantion of any other platform is the meantion of apple ios, (in the past tense) and nowhere in that post does it meantion android.

    Well atm there is an apple hunt event on the windows version, wether this is deliberate or procedral generation is up for debate.




    And have you actually read that post, other than the title >

    I already did read the first post of this thread.

    The first sentence is clearly asking about the apparent abandonment of the windows 10 platform, the only meantion of any other platform is the meantion of apple ios, (in the past tense) and nowhere in that post does it meantion android.

    Well atm there is an apple hunt event on the windows version, wether this is deliberate or procedral generation is up for debate.

    Rovio and AB2 don’t even talk about the W10 version of the game anymore. That version is far outdated than the mobile version of the game for iOS and Android.

    If you would like to see updates of AB2, visit the game’s page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/angrybirds2

    If the event you cited is actually Jetpack Run, it’s merely a repeated theme of the event in the Windows version, and it hasn’t re-appeared on the mobile version of AB2 since July 2020. It’s not discontinued.


    And that’s the point entirely, if they don’t talk about it then they must have abanoned it, (the windows ver sion that is).

    The jet pack run or apple hunt, is on the windows version atm, which has appeared twice in the last few months and no i have never seen it on the android version since i joined, i think last december


    Like I said, AB2 was released for both mobile OS’s in mid 2015. Also, there’s an update to v.2.57 as of today, see https://www.facebook.com/AB2GamersPage/posts/2970053863282569

    If you play AB2 on Android, that update is available as well.


    My two cents:

    I don’t agree that Rovio abandoned AB2 but they screwed it up last year with the update that changed the Arena.  I hate (strong word but accurate) the non-window version of AB2.  But I still play it because IMO it is the better of all the AB games and I have to much time invested in it to stop.  I do play it less then I used to before the update.  I usually play enough to get the daily quests and quit.  That is probably the best thing about the new version of AB2 that it makes you want to stop playing because there is little incentive to waste time, gems etc.

    A few months ago I found the Windows version and downloaded it.  At first I was hoping I could play on my computer instead of phone but was pleasantly surprised to find it was the old version of AB2.  I enjoy playing the older version over the new version.  I know what to expect (and since I had experience from playing AB2 I quickly was able to get to the same level as I am in the non Windows version).  I sometimes play both versions at the same time and see the difference so clearly.  The Windows version seems to have more/longer ads but offer more free treasures for watching them.  Of course watching an ad is so much worth it to get an extra bird in the arena which usually the difference in winning.  Miss that the most on the new version.  Occasionally the Windows version does crash but the way I look at it, it is much better then the new version  and complaining about it may cause Rovio to update the Windows version or remove it all together.

    The difference between the old and new version is clear and some times get identical boards.  It is amazing to see the difference even though you do the exact same thing but get different results.  The new version will leave a pig somewhere but the Windows version clears it.  Or even worse, the boards may be almost identical but the new version would have pig somewhere obscure that requires an additional bird to kill.

    With Windows 11 coming soon will the windows version be removed and that is why Rovio hasn’t upgraded the Windows version?  If you can open Android apps on a Windows device this is plausible.  I hope not.  I enjoy the older version much more then the new version.   Also would hate to lose everything I have accomplished in the Windows version unless there is a way to transfer gems, etc to the newer version?

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Has Rovio abandoned AB2?

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