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    It is a personal decision. I only recently made the choice to move up to a level 4 hatchling and end up 10-15 apples short every 48 hours. This essentially forces me to consider 1400 apples for $99.99 as a resource to sustain the hatchling . But such is the price to pay for power. Our clan has members at level 5 and 6 and beyond. However, most opt to stay at level 3 where a surplus of apples per 48 hours is typical.

    Flight Wingman

    It would be fun when let them die


    before this, i thought staying in level 4 would be better but i end up let it die, but now i plan to keep my bird stay in level 3, without upgrading it to the upper level.


    @exora, having surplus of apples with level 3 hatchling is better than constantly trying to scrape enough apples for level 4 hatchling. I buried my thought of upgrading hatchling to level 4 pretty quickly.



    @rawdatasystems thats the great decision, i would never spend a lot of money/apple pie for the sake of hatchlings lol.


    I think this hatchling thing is a big mistake. Gaming should be positive, enjoyable and and, yes, fun.  What do we get? An exclamation-marked, miserable-looking creature for a whole day before the wretched thing needs feeding.

    Bad psychology Rovio.


    Do we know the price in apples for levels 5 and 6 — and is there a level 7? The consensus here seems to be that level 4 is sustainable with bi-daily feeding, but I see players with magenta hatchlings at the top of the leaderboard that have to be level 6 or 7. It seems implausible they’re spending thousands of rubles, a week to maintain those levels.



    I feed my level 2 “Pupsik” every day and get 1000 feathers. If I level up, I’d get 1500 feathers but its not sustainable (run out of apples pretty soon). Math is 4 days 4 x 1000=4000 or 4 days 2 x 1500=3000 feathers. So level 2 is max for me at the moment.


    I feed my hatchling aka Hatchy IV every other day and have stayed at level 2 (ten apples every other day). I have almost 500 apples in reserve so I might level him up pretty soon. I had to let my level 4 hatchling go because I could not sustain him at 50 apples every other day. Not sure what level 5 and 6 require, but I’m guessing it’s well over a hundred apples.


    I’m still keeping the little s..t at level 3, feeding every other day  and slowly storing extra apples. When Feather Frenzy is active (like now), I’m feeding daily to get double feathers. Works so far and seems efficient enough.



    Good idea. I think I’m going to feed him daily too during the double feather event since I’m really close to leveling up some of my birds. Thanks. :)


    Level 3 is very sustainable for those of you who have a level 2 hatchling, as long as you don’t feed it every day.

    Level 4 was not at all sustainable, but I did manage to keep it for about 6 weeks and leveled it up to a 5 for the increase in FP during a clan battle. After that I was out out of apples. Level 5 would have cost 100 apples per feeding! I don’t know about level 6, but I’m guessing 150 or 200.


    Level     Apples
    1             5
    2            10
    3            25
    4            50
    5            100
    6            150
    7            200
    8            250
    9            300
    10          350


    Thanks for the info, Yue! Do you also know the colours of the hatchling?


    Those amounts of apples to feed the little one will require a lottery win to acquire. Buying biggest stash of apples (1400) is going to last only 8 days and thats 100€ gone! Of course one can collect apples within those 8 days, but those will not last but a moment…





    I’m with @rds – feed every day in the feather frenzy – I’m sticking with lvl 2 until I build a stash of three or four hundred.

    Couldnt quite sustain Lvl3 back along and that was feeding every other day and generally easier Daily Challenges.


    Really? I have always accumulated extra apples with a level 3 hatchling as long as I feed it every other day. Maybe you get less apples than average as part of a test group.


    @kgeisler, as the game is not same for all players, it’s quite possible that Rovio is having test shenigans behind the curtain. They can collect data and see what they can get squeezed from users and what is too greedy.

    I noticed a few days ago that daily apples from treasures have increased from 3 to 5. Now… I wonder if that’s a case for everyone or if it is just one of n+1 test runs or real change for all.



    I completely agree about test shenanigans, although the increase in apples was a limited time event for everyone, just like the feather frenzy. It is part of the hatchling fever event.


    @kgeisler, was it? I still get daily 5 apples instead of three, when opening common treasure chests. In little over 2 hours I find out if it’s 5 tomorrow, too.

    Also, DC gave 6 apples, so it’s a bit better than before, too.




    Did you actually click on the hatchling fever icon? If not, it actually states that there are more apples, in addition to the fact that the hatchling multiplier is doubled.


    Apparently I somehow missed the text under the picture! Whoopsie… my bad? :D



    I’m sure you’re not the only one who missed it! :)


    I have been keeping mine at level 3, which is easily sustainable. I have upgraded to 4 a couple of times during CvC, but let it die after that to start over.

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