Hats and slingshot level

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Hats and slingshot level

  • Maybe I’m not looking in the right place but I am trying to find out how the different hat sets affect your slingshot level.  Specifically, how much of a difference does it make if I finish a legendary hat set as opposed to an exotic one?  Would it be better for me, points wise, to just go ahead and finish off my exotic hat sets before filling out my legendary?

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  • All hat sets raise your slingshot level by one. It’s better to get the cheapest ones first, especially the exotics since they don’t show up anywhere else once their event is over.


    By the way there is another well-known long-time player who goes by Angry Turd. Call yourself what you like, of course. Just saying it might cause confusion.

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Hats and slingshot level

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