High score challenge! 435+ show us what you're working with…

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum High score challenge! 435+ show us what you're working with…

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  • Pampeans

    UO Prime level 13 by the river with G Grimlock level 11 buddy. UO Prime spent much of his time in slow motion, brutal…



    Don’t have a high score to share but I just needed to tell someone who doesn’t look at me like I have 2 heads , I have finally reach level 435 !



    Now you can spend the next few months stockpiling coins and gems in preparation for the increase to level 20!


    And getting getting the roll out achievement – 4,400 miles down, 600 to go!


    High score.png
    Do you want the over all score, or just individual nod score?


    geeeezzzzz 24 million coins phew I must really be doing something wrong


    You just have to play a lot and harvest coins every four hours on top of that.

    I currently have 22,978,597 coins. I can still remember how excited I was when I broke 1,000,000 for the first time, lol.


    Hello guys!! I must say I am impressed with the scores i am seeing here!! This is my first forum ever dedicated to Angry Birds that i participate and i just signed up like an hour ago.
    I always thought that my actual status was very good but now……….well……………..i am out of words.
    Very good now you guys!!! ;)
    My status nowadays 30/11/2015


    Once you have maxed out your characters, coins and pigs don’t matter much. Gems are still useful for buying accessories. This is actually quite liberating – it’s a chance to stop using Goldbrick and explore some of the other energicons – some of which are actually really good fun.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum High score challenge! 435+ show us what you're working with…

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