Holiday Challenge Bug

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Holiday Challenge Bug

  • This has happened to me twice now, once on Day 1 of the Holiday Challenge, and once on Day 2 (so far – the day is young).

    Both times it was while running a challenge event in the Desert node.

    The first sign that something was wrong was that many of the blocks were not being destroyed even when my TF’s weapons fire clearly hit them. Then he arrived at the black space and couldn’t progress any further. The only way to get out of the event was to exit back to the map or to hard close the app.

    See picture here:

    TF Cliff.PNG

    On both occasions, when I went back to the Holiday Challenge screen, I had lost the event “charge” that I used to start that event, so I’m down an event on both days.


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  • Pampeans

    I haven’t had the black hole issue, but I have had a bug where all the buttons leave the screen, so you can’t transform or use the energonicon. This was also a desert node. I survived the node despite being hit by several falling towers at the very end of the node.


    Same thing happened to me today as @optimuspig. Very frustratingly have to close the app. Also lost the event.


    I’ve had this bug once in the past, but so far not during the holiday challenge.


    Interesting. I’ve never encountered it outside of the Challenge. This has only happened to me when I’m specifically doing a Holiday Challenge event.


    Just happened to me. Exact same level and transformer as @optimuspig. Only difference was I was using Glassor.


    Once. Soundwave with Electroblast. Desert. Apparently the bug is not attached to a particular bot or EI, just a challenge (and possibly level) correlation still holds.


    This bug crops up in the ABT game and not only Challenge’s. The only way I’ve found to stopping it happening is to clean and boast your Ram if on Android devices, then run the node again and you should be ok.


    It happened to me again today.

    Not only that, but I had an entire Challenge Event just completely freeze on me, so a totally different bug. I couldn’t even exit back to the map, I had to do a hard close of the app.

    Same result though: two Event Charges wasted.


    What device you using?



    iPad Mini, 1st Gen.

    If it’s an issue with RAM as others have mentioned, I have no idea how to deal with that.

    Also, it’s only ever hit me while playing in this current Holiday Challenge.

    Regular nodes appear to be unaffected (for me anyway. I know that others have had the End of the World bug happen in regular nodes).


    I’m not ios sorry so have not got a clue. Yes it’s RAM that needs to be released to stop it happening

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Holiday Challenge Bug

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