How to survive "ray portals" and "mech-robots"?

AB Transformers: What shall I do if I encounter 1. The avantar/charscter has to pass a series of “ray portals” ( what is the real in-game name :-)?) ? => The avantar looses power, does it help to convert to a car? 2. The avantar/charscter is aimed by fireballs, thrown by a mech-robot? THe mech-robots look similar to The mech-robots appear for me first time today at the "prime target" competitoin. => A “Strikbot” as energicon device does’t wipe out the robot => In opposite to the missiles by the big drones, I can´t focus my weapon on it. It looks as if different avantars have different impact on the mech-robots. My strategy so far: using the car-mode to escape from firballs **just if necessary, not all fireballs would hit**, fireing all the time at the mech-robot. So far, up to 2 mech-robots appeared in a game round. Sincerely Rolf
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