Join the Birdsnest Arena leagues!

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  • t_russell

    @Larry — I joined only four hours late, was immediately placed on an active leader board with 11 other people. (Diamond league level 41) To date there are still only 12 on my board meaning no one is going down from here this week. You joined a whole day late correct? And yet you were placed into what appears to be the last spot to fill a board. Now it stands to reason that Rovio would try to fill the boards evenly if they can so why did you not appear on mine or some other with three empty slots instead of a board with just one. That bit doesn’t make any sense to me at all.


    I JUST began this week’s Arena. From my guess it has been 60 hours ish since the “start”. I logged in, checked the ranks, and am currently in 15th place. I had not played a match since the start; only claimed 2 Golden Pig rewards on Sunday. Perhaps I spent too much time in Arena on Sunday; regardless of whether or not I played any matches.

    Next week I’ll try and start 2 hours later and play one Arena match at a time; not staying in Arena for more than a few minutes while playing the match.


    @snarky @all — A couple of questions:
    1) How do people enter the arena? I always enter by tapping the arena pennant above the nest egg in the lower right corner. I never go to the boat.
    2) Am I the only one in the wood league who is trying this experiment? It may be that you really have to be in a higher league to get this method to work. Possibly because wood league is the only one that people are likely to join on any day. I would think that most people in higher leagues try to join the first day. At any rate, I’ve given up trying to advance for the week, since I’m obviously too far behind the person in 3rd. May try one more week, starting even later.


    @mvnla2 and everyone,
    I’d like to understand what else is going on in the game. If you were successful or not in being alone in a league.

    How much, if any, game play did you do before/during/after entering the arena.

    How much time did you let elapse between logging in to check on your rank?

    How did you enter the arena?

    How do you exit the game?

    Did you use the Golden Pig?

    Did you visit any friends Pigs?

    I enter using the icon on the bottom right. I played the daily Golden Pig battle before the arena. I did not have any game play after entering the arena before I shut down the game. During the initial phase I did not use the Golden Pig, or friends GP. After the 24 hours and single battle, and re-exiting the game. I did use the golden pig a few times but not at the same time that I did a battle. I always waited a few hours between checking on my rank. Since I have no need to meet objectives I have always used the same line up so I’m not switching birds around. So far I’m keeping my solitary games, except for the one experiment where I played games until I got other players in my league. Normally I log out of the game into another one when I’ve got all 3 games up. At the start I was only quitting since I just had the one game.


    I’d like to understand what else is going on in the game. If you were successful or not in being alone in a league.

    -I was not successful.
    How much, if any, game play did you do before/during/after entering the arena.

    I logged onto ABE on Monday. Claimed my two Golden Pig Rolls from Arena and logged off. I did not log back on or play any games in/out of arena till I joined this morning, checked my ranking after one arena battle , and was 15th.


    @mvnla2 – I enter the arena by the icon in the bottom right corner. Can’t help you with your second question, I am in platinum (for the last four weeks…).


    @steven-dunn-5648 — This is what I did:
    I always enter the arena by tapping the icon on lower right.
    What do you mean by time between logging in and checking rank?
    I claimed my prize yesterday afternoon; maybe around 2pm PST (U.S, CA). Exited arena, exited Epic, did hard close of all apps, and for good measure did hard shutdown of iPad and restarted it. Forgot to check to see if I was only one in league, but you almost always are when you first claim your prize.
    Re-entered Epic and checked league; I’m the only one. Exited arena and exited Epic. Hard closed all apps. This was fairly soon, so might be the problem. Maybe I shouldn’t have shut down my iPad, since that wasn’t in your instructions.
    All my activities in the arena were done as quickly as possible.
    It’s really weird that there were more apps to hard-close than when I did the hard-close a few minutes ago, and I did nothing except what I’ve listed here.
    3 hrs after I claimed my prize, my league had 15 people, the first 3 are at 15K, 13K, and 12K. 4th is at 7K.
    So if I assume none of them are cheaters, it appears that the top 3 joined the first day.
    I did nothing in the arena other than described above, I did not claim any free rolls in the arena until after there were 15 people in my league.
    Can’t remember exactly what else I did, but I think I played the GP in the regular game early that morning. I may have also done a free roll in the regular nest. I claimed upgrades in the Dojo when available. Sometime yesterday I played the daily dungeon. Sorry, I didn’t keep track of the exact timing of everything outside the arena.


    Claim prize 38 hours later, first battle 24 hours later.
    So far, 11 hours after first battle still alone on leaderboard.

    Gameplay so far very little because i’m bit stuck in the caves: When i start epic first check if time at dojo has past to buy mastery with snoutlings or the daily golden pig. Then checked if i am only one on leaderboard, enter arena via button above nest button lower right map, quickly check leaderboard go back to island map and close game (iphone, double click front button and then swipe away epic window, don’t know if that is what you mean by hard close app). Checking the leaderboard i have done every hour.

    Before the first battle did a few spines on arena pig machine (riot periode), not long about 2 – 3 min max, left the game via methode described. Restarted the game to play just one battle, had to restart few times to get a suitable opponent line up. So in all every time few minutes.

    At the moment i’m thinking about if i am going play SRC for snoutlings, haven’t got anymore or just wait untill next reset coming sunday.


    So, I went into the arena at the 72 hour mark and claimed my prize. Ignored everything else and exited without even checking the leaderboard. The plan is to go in tomorrow after 24 hours to do one battle and exit, no other activities. I will wait until the following day to check the leaderboard.

    @tigerussell, agreed. That would stand to reason. However, when was the last time Rovio stood to reason? :) I don’t get it either, but somehow the mechanics of this arena placement system completely eludes me.

    I’ve sent in a support request asking for some input on this topic. I’ve pitched the idea of pre-arranged leaderboards for the birdsnest. I am not at all optimistic about any response at all, but you never know…

    On a final note, the whole effort on getting a league without any contenders seems a bit like cheating as well and not much fun at all. I kind of enjoyed the battling to get to the top. It’s just sad that it had to be with so much cheating going on. Diamond is full of them, regardless the sign-on time or date, but I’ll see if I can achieve one of the new achievements, getting to 1st place in the diamond league… (yeah I know they’re not working now, but still)


    @steven-dunn-5648 I just now joined the arena. I got on and claimed my rewards and ranked up to Gold League and then did some free rolls on the GAPM and hard closed the app as soon as I could. As of then I was alone on my leaderboard. After that I started the app and went through my banner items for about 2 minutes. Still alone and I never started a battle. What would you like me to do now though? Wait 24 hours before starting a battle like before OR do a single battle and then close the app and repeat?


    @steven-dunn-5648 Ok we have a problem. I got on to do the daily dungeon without even LOOKING at the arena and suddenly when I go after the dungeon I’m on a board with 13 other people. 1st has 36k 2nd-7th have about 25,000-20,000 and the rest have around 17,000-10,000 points.


    To me, it seems like everyone who has failed with this experiment has been playing the game inside or outside of the arena in the period after claiming the reward (at least in the following 24h). Can people confirm this?

    I believe that @cosmo2503 was very quick with the battles in the arena and quickly left the game. Since cosmo has finished the main game, I assume she doesn’t need to do much else.

    Do you do anything outside of the arena? What about everyone else? Is the key point not to spend much time in the game at all after claiming your reward in the arena?


    @kerravon @steven-dunn-5648 I think the time spend in the game (in arena or outside) after claiming the prize is the key factor.

    I’m still alone on leaderboard after 38 hours delayed claim prize and first battle 24 hours later. now 24 hours later still the same, overall the time I spend in the game every time less then 5 min. Things like checking dojo, daily golden pig, checking leaderboard, spinning arena golden pig before first battle, all done in a few minutes.

    So for people who want to use this method, best to claim the prize for example Saturday night before going to sleep exit game straight away, sunday morning do one battle, leave the game again. Then wait it out till the arena week reset. This way during the week you still can do the rest, caves, SRC/CRC for snoutlings etc. So you only miss one day of gameplay.

    I agree with @larry that this method isn’t really challenging, bit lazy, but I understand people who want to use it because being sick off dealing with cheaters every week. Is it cheating, don’t think so, it’s using a hole in the programming (delay time sync with server) in a way that doesn’t affect other players playing. We already have seen several times that the programming so far has more holes than a certain swiss cheese.

    Everyone, I have had a reply from Rovio regarding the possibility of leagues of our own. Something like it is being developed at the moment, although not for the arena.

    Unfortunately our matchmaking system doesn’t allow us to set that up very easily, so it would require quite a lot of work for a limited group of players.
    We are working on something a little like that for the future, though. Hopefully you will enjoy the next update that’s coming out soon!

    This could be interesting! Perhaps we can beat each other up properly with the next update? :)

    In the mean time I won’t be participating anymore in this experiment (I just don’t like the idea of an empty league for myself). When the method for creating your own league is fully reproducible, I’ll describe the details in the first post. As well as any other relevant developments in this topic…


    @kerravon, @renitz, @larry
    I think you may be right. I don’t spend much time in the game right now other than Golden Pig Battle. I’m just too busy. I think the idea of joining a single league only short time before the end of the week and then not playing in the game until the reset time would work.

    And yes, naturally having a 100% advancement is not as much fun… BUT if you just spent a week battling hard only to loose at the end due to cheating then you may want to use this method for a week to claim the prize that you deserve, which was stolen away from you by a cheater. If Rovio can fix the cheating problem then I see no reason to use this method. But until then…


    @steven-Dunn-5648, @all…
    “Epic-fail”!! Just logged into the game and arena 24 hours after claiming prize. The only activity outside of this in the last day was to do the daily golden pig in the main game immediately before entering the arena just now.
    I played and won one battle, exited and checked the leaderboard and I am in a fully populated group in a distant last place. :-(
    It seems that the only way to exist in this arena is to cheat… (and no, I don’t know how!).
    Rovio had better hurry up with this update or they’ll have lost me. Sad, because it was a pleasant distraction to life.

    Green Whacker

    Interesting… I’m still alone in my league and so far this is what I have done.

    After playing 1 battle and win, I stop playing at all (my points is still at 1K something)

    I only get on to go Dojo shopping, do golden pig.. I do not play golden pigs on friend’s list or the freebie ones (video). Then quit the game.. I only spend like maybe 2 or 3 minutes on the game every time I get on. I wait like 3 to 4 hours then get back on to do Dojo shopping and check messages then get off. (and kill app)

    Maybe I’m doing this so the game doesn’t have enough time to sync up with battle boards and place me into one of them?


    @snarky, sorry to hear that the experiment didn’t work for you. What is your hardware?

    So reading the latest updates in the cheaters forum it looks like Rovio may be about to release an update which resolves the cheating issue. I imagine that it will also change the arena lineup enough to render this experiment invalid. I think we may get one or two more weeks at best to run this experiment.

    Also, has anyone with an iPad actually been able to get on a single league? I’m thinking that this may be an android only thing.

    Green Whacker

    I’m running iOS and still single


    iphone iOS and still only one, with 15 points platinum league


    @steven-dunn-5648 I am using an HTC ONE with Android 4.4.4.
    I was wondering if it was an iOS thing, however there are a few like @mvnla2 running iOS that haven’t met success either.


    @steven-dunn-5648 @snarky @renitz @dragonofheart I am on an old iPad 2 running IOS 7. Renitz and dragonofheart didn’t give details about their device and operating system, i.e., what iPhone, IOS 7 or 8 or ???
    Also, I think it may be significant that I’m still in wood league. I’m willing to spend the time to experiment, but not to advance in the arena if it takes a lot of time, because it doesn’t help me with the rest of the game.


    @snarky @renitz @mvnla2 @larry @dragonofheart73 @kerravon @partshade @strategia55 (am I missing anyone)

    I’d say that spinning the golden pig is most certainly a factor. I took one of my games that was still on a single league and did nothing but spin the golden pig in the arena for a little while and then exited the game. Logged in today and am in last place in a full league on diamond league. I’ve got 10 points, so no point in trying to catch up. Heh heh

    Before I don’t believe I played the golden pig. Next week I will try going into the arena, NOT claiming my prize, playing golden pig, battling friends etc. Then claiming my prize on the last day about an hour before end of league, just to see what happens. No game play other than the one battle. We’ll see.

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