Known Cheaters Season 10

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Known Cheaters Season 10

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  • Juicyfruit

    Sorry about the guys name but its really myf—smile. I took a screenshot of it and submitting it to the rep as well. I would post it here but I don’t know how to post my screenshot here. You wouldn’t want to see his name for real I guess. But it’s only the two of us ? In this league! But I am in the platinum league although cheater. Passed diamond. Man it’s lonely at the top. Still have not heard from the rovio rep. It’s been since Friday.


    Okay the weirdest thing happened?!? I received my first place winnings and was promoted to the platinum league. Got to even spin? The Valentines Day…got nothing. oops I got 55 silver coins. But yes, I am with someone called MYF—SMILE (nice – sigh) I edited out the U little c and large (you know what) in case little kid on this post) on the top it says platinum league with Cheater on each side of it. Wow…


    @dlmiller626 @juicyfruit @angryde @bubbley @suzyq

    Feeling exasperated reading through the your experiences which I can related to and even share most of them. It only reinforces my view that Rovio/Chimera is just incompetent and inward looking. Frankly, I wouldn’t change my playing pattern just to avoid their anti-cheat system voodoo. As always, I’ll stick with reporting and demanding redress (move out of cheater league and compensation). It’s doubtful they’ll fix it before shutting down the game for good. Nevertheless, @datguygamer has been very helpful in providing tips and guidance which we all appreciate.


    My situation is similar to yours in that I ended up 3rd with ZiZu and the obscene PEN*S taking the top 2 with less than an hour to go, and subsequent 3 honest players were squeezed out. Surprisingly, other suspects remained inactive, and Trofi only cheated to be in top 7. Maybe Jonny being zeroed got them jitters… or not.




    I’ve just started my new board and saw that I have got DRAGAOADEFOGO this week ?

    My board isn’t complete yet so don’t know who else will appear


    I wouldn’t think so. I can’t do it all of that in one time but I think I can do that in two. I will ask the rep when I get an hold of him/her. Dani, it’s ridiculous that you should have to worry about that ?


    Love your statement. You should post that in their Facebook site!


    Well got my 5,500 in objectives plus about 3,000 points. Took an hour walk and starting in to play at 4:51pm. Gonna play for at least two hours straight. Hoping nothing bad happens! Fingers crossed!? Wish Rovio would read this post. They should be ashamed of themselves! We are obviously big fans and yet we’re getting such lousy treatment. Kind of wished I never started playing.


    Okay I chickened out! I was at 10,900 from ~8,500 in an hour. I’m stopping for 30 minutes. I’m afraid to go over 11,000! I will in 30 minutes ?


    @suzyq … (facepalm) I’d trade places with you if it’s possible.
    If only there is a way to set up a honeypot for these scums…


    @suzyq Platinum? Sure. 23500 in 18 hours. Also if you are curious, Diamond is 34800 in 15 hours. For platinum I recommend giving a break of at least 5 minutes between matches and for Diamond it should be 10 minutes. There is a threshold within a time limit but if you go too fast, you are making the system alerted. You can get 34K in platinum on first day but it has to be diligent; slow, without any worries. Be steady but take it slow so that the system doesn’t think you are cheating and then playing fairly to cheese the game.


    @bubbley Do not worry. I don’t consider any of these questions a s nuisance honestly. You guys asked for help and I help and I am grateful when the opposite happened and everyone stood by me when my progress got reset.



    What a lovely thought, wish you could too.


    Info very much appreciated, thank you.


    I had a lovely surprise this morning when I opened my board and saw you on the board.

    As expected everyone is very keen to get to Diamond next week. As you can see we have one cheater who is holding back at the moment. I also see we have Kozak, who, not sure if they are a cheater or not, but can score very high numbers and will probably take 1st place.


    @datguygamer what happens after the time limit. For example if after 21 hours I have 8k and then complete my objectives after 23 hours making 14k in 24 hours?



    @bubbley Nothing will happen as then you’ll be pretty safe for what the time limit demands; not getting too many points in a small amount of time.

    However this will make your work tough as then you will get only 14k points if you are in a competitive board and may end up at the bottom. What I suggest is complete your objectives one at a time. Even if you get the chance to complete multiple objectives in one battle, don’t do it. Play it out so that you have to play multiples battle just for one objective. That way getting points will have a time frame between them thus extending your playtime, getting you more points in the long run and also completing the objectives during the day instead of rushing it and competing it at the last moment.

    However know that once a day resets in a week, you have to think of that 21 hours thing for the next day and the day after that as well for the whole week if you still decide to go the route you mentioned…


    @datguygamer so basically I can get more than 11k as long as it takes more than 21 hours?

    I ask because players in my league already have and they are playing honestly. If I don’t grind more than 11k I will stay in Gold League forever.



    Congratulations to all who reached Platinum.

    I will update the List. Please let me have any additional names.

    Many thanks


    @bubbley You are safe completely as long as you grind while talking time. The method above I suggested is for grinding while taking a lot of time. That’s what is needed to stay safe. The game works in weird ways now and the system is not properly developed and even then sometimes the game or the ones controlling it does different things upon catching someone.


    Well I put in over 18k last night but only played for 4 hours (including daily objectives) but put 30 minutes to an hour break in between (lame!). I took screen shots of every hour interval of who I played, the spin result, and where it left me on the leaderboard. Still on cheater board with two others and someone named Che. Still no word from rep. The person, whose name I will not repeat, in second place has around 7.5 k and this is 7k. If these people are grinders it sure doesn’t look like it. I wanted to play to 25k last night but I was too scared and tired of taking screenshots. @datguygamer and @bubbley you can’t get to the next league only getting 11k per day. Also someone mentioned Kozak. He was in second place and kept up with me although I tried to stay at least 25k above him. When I was zeroed he became first and everyone dramatically slowed down. Itsme was third and mateo was fourth before I was zeroed. They all did 20k easily a day until I was ousted and then noticed they were only doing 6-7k. I think everyone was scared. I changed my name to what???-wrotegame to let them know I contacted the rep. What an ordeal! It is kind of nice though being on such a little board Roth only four people. The competition to get to the diamond is a lot easier. Just stinks that it’s labeled the cheater board ? Happy careful grinding!


    Thanks @suzyq! Will remember those numbers. Wrote them down. Okay 5 minutes in between too.


    @suzyq I am excited that we’re finally sharing a board! XD Yes, I have already given up any hope of advancing this week… our board looks and feels like hell.



    I have Kozak, its me and Mateo on my board this week. I’ve met them all before in the last few weeks. The person you with the horrible name has been reported by several members on several occasions for cheating and also for their name. Unfortunately, the name on the board remains the same as do they ?


    @juicyfruit The game will catch you if you go over 11k but only if your grinding is as fast as a bullet train. The threshold is there for catching who are grinding but crossing the threshold does not necessarily mean you will be zeroed/moved but it may happen. You can get more scores but you have to grind slower. I keep saying this but you have to grind at a slower pace than what you are going. I have said this again but the thresholds don’t matter much when you’re an honest player but the rate at which you grind.

    You need to worry about the threshold only when

    a) You are a cheater and you are manually modifying scores
    b) You are grinding so fast (finishing a battle and immediately moving to the next one) that you went past 11k in 1 hour then it is a serious problem.

    That 21 hours is just a leeway for casual players. I myself collected only 7K per day but if you want to get 20K in one day, you can but give it a consistent break in between battles. I know for hardcore players, 11K in 21 hours is nothing but again, if you are focused on grinding, grind at a slower rate than what you are going. Complete objectives one by one giving breaks in between.



    You never know we may do better than we think, we can only try. I’m not very far in front of you and honestly won’t be upset if you overtake me, just go for it ?

    Don’t forget in 3 days time it’s double medals in 6th Arena.

    Good luck, I’m rooting for you.


    Now with all these, I can say that everyone is frustrated with the arena so I have a question for you all because I wanna know how you all feel:

    Why do you still play the arena? What are you trying to get? Shards or snoutlings or are you also collecting arena items (like me once)?


    @juicyfruit both MFS and Che are known cheats. Have you looked at the list on page 1 of this thread? They usually just alter their score in the last 15 minutes of the week.

    I’m really sorry you are in this mess.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Known Cheaters Season 10

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