Less daily quests

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  • Only seeing 5 daily quests now instead of the usual 6 since the update, anyone else experiencing this?

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  • Twisted Lemon

    The apples are currently bugged so they removed the “collect X apples” daily quest, at least that’s the connection I’ve drawn. I’ve also lost the “watch an ad” daily quest which is annoying as that was a free handful of diamonds.

    Meanwhile they waste one of the daily quests on “collect your daily gem letter” which is something that will never happen. They ought to just get rid of that for all players who haven’t spent money on the game and give us a different daily quest. I’m not spending money on this game so stop giving me worthless daily quests.


    Please file a complaint.  That’s our only option.  If enough people bitch and complain about it they will change it back.


    They replaced collect apples with play the MEBC. The video one just disappeared at the same time the apple bug appeared.

    Doom Baby

    They did it to be a**holes. It has nothing to do with the apples problem. There are other “quests” that could fill the place of that like ‘use a spell’ but it’s just Rovio being Rovio and taking gems from us just for the sake of being pricks. Welcome to Angry Birds.


    Would be better if we had 4 quests and they removed that stupid ‘claim your gem letter’, which only applies to the pay-to-play mugs.

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