Level 15 storage suddenly becomes level 1?

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Level 15 storage suddenly becomes level 1?

  • My level 15 storage suddenly just dropped to a level 1 capacity. The screen says its 15, but I can only hold 15 blocks, gears, 12 chips and 5 SR.

    Anyone else seen this problem?

    I’m on Android.

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  • drewish

    Yup all droid users have had this happen, material costs to upgrade have dropped to the original levels though too.

    Kin Lau

    Noticed that too. But the rewards from missions haven’t been adjusted, you can almost overflow your storage with just one mission.

    Robert Batek

    Happened to me this morning as well. Silo capacity dowgraded substantially. Upgrades require less components but I would not want to risk using the lab. I liked the larger Silo capacity better.I’m on Android too.


    Same thing happened to me. Lost a bunch of materials from my last few days of missions too. Not real happy about it.


    Happened to me too. Whole app has become really twitchy after last update. It is crashing Google Play fairly consistently. Happens on start, but most often during ad play. Doesn’t happen in any other game.


    I’m on IOS so a few questions – was this an up-date or a download of assets? Seems to me that Rovio have worked out that many of us are using excess materials to farm 1000s of gems and this is one way of them stopping this?


    It is a major bug!

    My Optimus prime now shows that it still needs 100k + 15 BI + 2 AC for upgrade 7->8.. which do no not fit in my silo… Ffs!

    So, upgrades cost the same, silo was decreased. Right…

    It was not an app update (from Play), was an asset update.
    Bloody hell Rovio, how about some quality control! And even worse: how about a f*cking changelog for such important changes!


    @henjovr you have to upgrade the silo to level 15 (its max level) and then you can hold 15 birdium. Its Rovio’s way of making people ypgrade the silo AND to prevent them from farming gems in the lab. This is how it was when the materials 1st came out, before the lab.


    Yup, it happened to me as well.

    Why does the very nature of the game have to change every couple months? Right about the time you start figuring out how to navigate the last change, the rules change…


    The worst thing about it is that it happened without any notice at all…
    I am a software engineer and I build software for my living. Rule #1 is always inform your customers!

    A simple notice like “We modified the silo capacity because blablabla” would have helped a lot.. But no, Rovio just changes the rules without telling anyone anything. Idiots.

    I know Rovio is a company and wants to make a profit. I also know that all Rovio games are designed to make us spend as much money in-game as possible.
    I also know that I will *not* spend anything in a game when I’m pissed at the company making it, and right now I’m really pissed.


    Wth. My storage was completely full when this happened. How about fixing the stupid game first and then worry about your bottom line.


    What a stupid issue again. I wonder if it’s a bug or they did it on purpose… in this situation, it is not possible to do several character upgrades in a row because you’re out of SR after one upgrade… So you have to wait till missions end or use the lab.


    Same here…. It just frustrates the hell out me…… Always something with this game…. It crashes after missions…. It’s a memory hog…. Drains the battery super fast…. We paid to upgrade our silos to 15…. Mine were full before this happend…. This app. is just going down hill fast….. Please fix these issues!!!!


    I’ve have not noticed this on iOS. Is this a feature or a bug?

    Robert Batek

    I believe it was the Bluestreak update that was promoting the increased silo storage capacity. It is now gone. Why would I even send transformers out on missions if we cannot collect silo parts? Very weird strategy by Rovio so hopefully this is a just a temporary bug.


    Ok this was all done to stop GEM FARMING, it was possible to use certain combinations in the lab to basically get unlimmited gems. Rovio saw their premium currency (the only thing you can buy in game) become worthless. That is the entire reason this was done. It will be pushed to IOS before long I would put money on that.


    One thing said here is wrong, it is still a level 15 storage, only it’s much smaller now.


    @20qmindreader @optimuspig

    Seems I got all bent out of shape over this but it’s the goodies that come along that will make me not complain as much. Node wait times are now 5,15 and 30 minutes…..YAY. Also with less items required you’ll spend less time in missions and more time actually playing the game……bonus no crashing yet. It’s nearly impossible to run out of nodes to play unless they are all tied up in missions or upgrade. Coin yield seems to be up on nodes as well. No noticeable change to missions that I could see but do not need to play as my silo is full. Only saw 4,8 and 12 hr missions being offered.

    They could of at least kept the SR storage up as it was the hardest to aquire. I spent a long time collecting and just got 25 yesterday.


    Yes, I always thought the customer was informed of any changes. I am hoping this is a glitch.

    Otherwise this is a major change to the game. We have all accumulated so much material and to just eliminate it is unreal and bad business.


    I’m totally confused. Can someone post the actuals changes? Are you saying that you have to start upgrading the silo again once it’s set back to level one? The silo level used to relate to the level of the transformers. E.g. when my Tfs were at level 10 I had to upgrage the silo to at least level 11 in order to upgrade the Tf to level 11. How can they just keep randomly changing the game play? What is the goal of this game now?



    L15 silo is way less storage.

    L12 upgrade for tf is 9 birdium 7 AC an 2Sr

    It seems the goal is to discourage gem harvesting in the lab. All nodes are now 5,10 and 30 minutes instead of 15 minutes,1 hr and 4 hr. The main element of the game seems to be playing nodes to gain items and coins and play missions for items needed for upgrade. In theory, upgrading TF to L12 by just playing nodes and one set of missions would be sufficient in replenishing items.


    You know something very strange about this is that first my silo shrank but grew back the next time I started the app. Now my silo is nearly empty because because the max got changed. It would seem fine but the material cost for bots got restored too :P. If this doesn’t get fixed soon Rovio’s going to hear about it.



    That would be the final straw if this whole thing is a glitch/bug and they restore the silo levels without restoring items lost and raised the materials back up to where they were. I just went and checked and nothing has changed for me.


    Just checked and it got reduced again :P. Weird quick glitch.


    Ah! Thanks @jman. I agree with @andrewmarlo then. This is such a twisted cycle. It’s a great game, but if they would just take the time to execute it well, people would pay for the user experience. But, this constant jerking the user’s around in order to generate income is just ridiculous.

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