Level 736

Just got here - initial feeling is that it's a typical "hard" level. Roughly translated as "you won't get past without a)money changing hands or b) playing through a whole load of meaningless attempts in the full knowledge that you are completely wasting your time, until Uncle Rovio decides, (purely randomly, of course - NOTHING in this game is pre-ordained to encourage you to spend, how could you even THINK such a thing!) that you are in danger of quitting altogether (wonder how that algorithm works?) and suddenly bestows strikes and free cards galore. So many that you often end up with more than those with which you started. When for the past few days you've only seen them as pity gifts because a micro pig has taken 5 attempts to destroy it despite having fallen four storeys and had various large objects land on its head and the chances of you completing the level, even with this free card, are zero". Anyone else feel like this?
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