Leveling Your Birds

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Leveling Your Birds

  • Hi guys…
    Since the arena is messed up and having busy time in college, i’m no longer playing AB2 about 2 months. I’m having 3 birds at level 10 and the rest is 9. Last Monday i decided to playing again after the update. Normally, i need 2100-2300 feathers to level up and it took my about 3-4 weeks to done that. The issue is, i see a lot of other players already having maximum level birds. Did i miss some glitch here ?
    Thanks :)

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  • Fox Knoxx

    Yes, you are missing exploit.

    Must read topic CHEATERS? page 2


    they are hackers, (either that, or they have a lot too much time on their hands).

    Fox Knoxx


    Not hackers, just exploiters with LOOOTS of time.


    They don’t need even time. They can exploit bug and get lots of feathers without actually playing game.

    Fox Knoxx

    And What is the point to have all the feathers and not play the game ?


    Exploit ? Wow… I can’t believe the fact that Rovio still didn’t get rid of cheater and exploit. But at least i appreciate Rovio for fixing arena system and making the battle more fairly. At least i can reach 6 streak this morning which is impossible before i left.
    Thanks guys for the info :)


    @fox-knoxx they do play game and Arena a lot, but they don’t have to play to level up their birds. Simply, they can level them up easier way, using exploit and then play with all birds at max level. Assuming that they also have all hats and diamond sling they can win every battle in Arena and finaly win the first place on their boards and get more gems and pearls each week.

    Fox Knoxx

    cosmo2503 Yes, just like that.But if they play in the same league , they spend a lot of time to gather like 3500 stars to win weekly tournament.(24/7 players).As I wrote before , what is the difference between all birds levels ? Only the higher numbers of score. However , we always battle with comparable opponents, same bird level, same sling, maybe just different skills.


    It isn’t that easy, Cosmo. People are matched against others with the same stuff, same level. Like I said before, the only real advantage is having a lot of tickets, and then the person still has to play, and play a lot, to place in the top of the arena. And winning each round isn’t guaranteed.

    But what is placing high in the arena really worth? A few gems and pearls? I paid for the cape and stuff so I get a little chest every 15 minutes. I get 4 gems for popping 30 pigs, 15 for playing the arena, 15 for getting ten stars, 15 for each of the first two levels of the daily challenge. That is 64 gems already, every day, plus however many I get from the little chest along with spells. A person can score some pearls through the DC and even placing as low as 9th in the arena.

    I wanted Rovio to fix the exploit, they haven’t. But they have pretty much nullified it, which is the next best thing.


    There is a bug that apparently lets you win without really playing. I have a lvl 43 in my Diamond league that got 1496 stars without leveling and starting from 0 last night. Over the 4 hour period since I slept and woke up, they went up 1496 stars which is impossible without cheating.

    They also have all lvl 16, all hats and diamond sling. Cant be that hard to automate detection of such cheaters.

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