Mecha Mast not tripling Defense

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Mecha Mast not tripling Defense

  • Does anyone else have the Mecha mast? Is it working against Mecha pig? My defense isn’t increased.

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  • Dylan Bob

    Are you talking about Magician Boat Mast? It’s only working for the frog pig and super frog pig.

    Or Is there Mecha Mast?


    @dylan-bob, no, I mean the Pop Ship Mast which was an SP skill (Mecha Mast is what I call it) during the Mecha Event months ago & is no longer offered.

    I think Mecha Pig was the 2nd Event I played & on iPad I got the Ship the 1st day & the Mast a day or so before the Event ended. I’ve held onto them, hoping Mecha would return & now it has. While the Pop Ship (it’s a turquoise hull with 2 orange life rings on the side; I think I’ve seen 2 or 3 others) triples the life against Mecha, the Mast is doing absolutely nothing. BTW neither work against Frog.

    As an aside, I saw your post about Magician Hull not working against Mecha. I’m not 100% certain that it should work against Mecha, but last event on iPhone I had the Knight’s Mast effective against Shark & I’m 10000000% certain it also worked on the Super Turtle Pig which later appeared.

    Months ago during the Mecha Event I beleive my Ship also worked against whatever Suoer monster appeared towards the end of the event, so I suggest you open a ticket with Rovio. Only they know the answer. Unfortunately, by the time it’s resolved, if if Magician should have also worked for Mecha, you’ll likely end up losing a Ranking Prize. I’ve never been in the Top 500 & was really hoping the boost with POP Ship & Pop Mast would do it this time but without the Mast, I’m defenseless… literally & figuratively.

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