Meeting Nesters in the Arena

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  • I thought this topic might be worthy of its own thread. I would love to know if anybody encountered my birds in the arena and what the line up was, and if you beat me or not. I saw several posts in the “join the ABN league” thread so it may happen often enough to be worth discussing.

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  • MVNLA2

    @mimi27 — Good idea! I think people should also say what level league they are in and what their name is in the arena.
    As for me, I’m still in wood league and likely to be there ’till the end. I haven’t seen anyone I recognize from ABN, and don’t expect to.
    The end can’t come soon enough for me, because everything else Epic seems to be on hold.


    I am in a Gold league, level 41. This is the longest 12 weeks of my life! I am so ready for the arena season to end, and to have something new to do in the regular playing space.


    I found @larry in the Gold league last week (ABN_larry). Obviously an old team of Larry’s that is still in the system (I believe Larry is in Diamond league now). The birds were all mastery rank 8 birds. I am not sure, but I think the team was made up of Princess, and maybe Rogues and Wizard. I can’t remember the banner except that it had the Vengeful emblem. Sorry Larry, but I passed on you (an automatic response – I don’t like fighting Princess).


    @killerkea, I met you in the Gold arena. You had Wizard with Phoenix set, Sea Dog with sweet set, and Skulkers with “save me”. I passed on a battle since your team definitely outclassed mine.


    Just met @kerravon in the gold league. Paladin Druid and marksmen which along with me winning the coin toss gave me three stars. close fight though!

    @kerravon, that’s odd. I renamed myself back to just plain old “larry” again after the first experiment failed a couple of weeks ago. Also, the last 3 weeks pretty much all my birds were rank 9. It must have been an archived set from when I was still in gold. Interesting to know that’s what Rovio is doing in the arena…


    @larry I was surprised to see you. It had to be an old team before you did your push to gain mastery at the dojo by paying LC’s.

    That’s an odd team. I normally bring along birds with multiple attacks when I use Marksmen. Must have been testing out Marksmen’s ambush.


    @renitz, Are you Mystic Burn? I met you in Gold. You had Paladin with Dragon set, Berserker with Bullet set and Rogues with Save Me. I declined the battle as you have stronger weaponry than me. Your banner had the Resurrection emblem.


    @mimi27 Yeah that’s me haha, that is my line up I use to grind battles after done with objectives. My A-team lol. Correct i’m in gold at the moment.


    @mvnla2 I have met lots of ABN player but have forgotten the line up. I will note for future. As for me I am Bubbley I change my line up and banner emblem depending on the opponent. I find I rarely decline a battle this way and by fighting a couple of difficult ones I then seem to get a string of easy battles to the point where the Arena slows down to the extent I have to exit before a crash. I adopted this approach when I made Platinum a few weeks ago. Currently I play with the Sinister set because I have it at Platinum level. I am in Diamond as of this week.


    @larry I have played an archived team of myself.


    Not really on topic, however related to part of the discussion… in Platinum league, I just played an “Unnamed Player” who’s characters were level 23, mastery rank 3! Banner was around 6500. I just don’t get the server’s logic algorithm! (And yes, I enjoyed the massacre!)


    @mimi27 Yes, that is my usual team for grinding after I complete my objectives. I also wouldn’t want to face my team and would restart too since all my birds are rank 10 with maxed out level 41 sets.


    @kerravon Just played your team (Paladin, Rainbird and Tricksters), blue banner rage shield.
    Sorry to inform you they didn’t survive, they got there fluffy behinds kicked Lol.
    First time i got a ABN line up, so was fun.

    1Hr30 later @dragonofheart73 with mighty wings banner, thorns emblem, wizard, druid and skulkers, they fought bravely, but wasn’t enough.


    @renitz And don’t forget the Blessed Idol head. Having the computer generated opponents allowed me to bring out my favourite birds to loosen up their wings. I was even able to arm Tricksters with the BEEP set. Be gentle next time.


    @kerravon Hope to meet your top line up someday and see how my team will do.

    My linup was Paladin (dragon set), Berserker (golden gun set) and Rogues (revive me set) underdog emblem, mighty cauldron, purple cloth.


    @scruffydork, I met your lineup the other day. It was Guardian/Dragon Set, Seadog, bullet set, and Spies Save Me set. Your team fought a good battle, but ultimately I defeated them.


    @mimi27 I think your line up, your Paladin (dragon set),wizard (save me set) and Rogue (sling, think stunner card) and blue pennant vengeful emblem, where a bit tired after flapping their tiny wings (jetlag) from USA to Europe, was bit of a massacre.


    @renitz, you do have a strong team! I’m glad you were able to pick up some points on my behalf. You played my main team, although my Wizard, after MUCH grinding, is now level 10.


    @mimi27 Your wizard was at lvl 9 mastery when i played them, think a real one on one battle would go very different since AI sometimes does things a real player doesn’t.


    @snarky, met your team in the Platinum arena and declined to battle, as you have a stronger team than me. You had Paladin with Dragon set, Wizard with Phoenix set and Sea Dog with Scissors set, and the Resurrection emblem.


    @renitz, our birds met again. They took plenty of new ammunition and were well rested when they beat your Paladin with Dragon set, Berserker with Scissors and Rogues with save me. Your banner had the 40% for 2 birds emblem. Great rematch!


    @mimi27 So its 1-1 lol, expected that, battle is totally different when their general is present to guide them, instead of running around like headless chickens, good job!


    Hi @mimi27, out of interest, what league were you in when you bumped into them – I thought I read you were in gold? Not much point in calling them a “Ranked Arena Opponent” if they aren’t even in the same league! I had been four weeks in platinum and had used that set to grind for the last week or so.
    Cheers, Snarky.


    @snarky, I’m sorry I forgot to mention the league. I got promoted to Platinum this week.

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