Mighty eagle leaderboard

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  • angrybirdspoop

    @cognitive I still saw Hua and Wei in the leaderboard today and yesterday, maybe they got un-banned or have a secret way to revive the account on their own.


    I saw just Wei. Hua was missing.

    Why the fark does Rovio not prevent cheating and only bans accounts every now and then, sometimes even unbans them?!



    What we need is ban by device ID – in a phone that’s easy, they should be able to access IMEI or MAC address, and for tablet, MAC address. Ban by that and you should be good.

    Hey Rovio: please forward 1,000,000 pearls to my Swiss account if you implement the suggestion :)


    for those who said banning by device id or mac address, think about this first-Rovio allow player to have a “fresh start”, which means, you reinstall the program and start as a new player.

    as long as Rovio doesnt change its principle, there is no mechanism to stop any device id or mac address. Though they can do so, but I dont think they will do so.


    The “fresh start” princible don’t have to prevent banning by device ID. You could easily have 3-strike system and after that, the device would be banned for a year or just forever.



    I mean, dont think Rovio’s develop team is less smart than us…they simply have had more issues to resolve at the same time. 3-strikes is an option but will it work to deal with those hackers? A hacker could emulate a fake mac address, a fake device id, so what Rovio could do?


    What makes hackers job more difficult without affecting honest players is always good. It limits amount cheaters, so the burden of manually banning them gets easier. If more cheaters start to learn a way to get around the cheat prevention, they will give more real and behaviour data, which can be used to refine anticheating and autobanning system.



    I figured it out!! Rovio is so greedy… that what appears to be hackers are actually their own team posting phony scores so that the rest of us buy multiple attempts at mebc to improve our position and gain rewards at the end, if they didn’t do this we would all have better scores and wouldn’t spend our gems.., I’m going to keep posting this till everyone gets the idea and then we can all file a class action suit and get our money back! This also explains why they don’t do anything about all the hacker complaints


    You all do understand that Rovio is a company, not a public service, right? I mean, they certainly have an obligation to run a clean game and if there are cheaters they should be removed, but all these complaints about how big bad greedy Rovio forces you to spend money to buy gems or whatever is a little naive IMO. Yes, it annoys the hell out of me sometimes, but I have yet to spend a nickel over more than a year playing it. If I lose, I lose. It’s a friggin game for crying out loud.


    I haven’t weighed in for a while, but almost gagged when I saw #8 on the leader board:

    Qwert has a FP of 9, and Star Rank of 1.

    He must have some really good skills, since he scored 168 million.

    It’s just demoralizing for us lowly unskilled folks when this happens.

    (And just to be sure, the sarcasm font was on.)

    Joe B.

    I also noticed an increase in cloned accounts as well from flipping threw a few profiles from today’s top list. The “AUH” likely HUA has at least 5 or more clone accounts in the top 100. Insulting names mocking the game like of”I like it”, I love CvC” and others with matching or very similar stats of 1134 FP, 162 card level, and 139 star rank..etc. It’s easy to find them. All clear clones.Rovio needs to find a way to ban them.

    I get it, these guys slip through the cracks and it’s  frustrating to see long after reporting. These fakes are clearly taking points from the honest players.


    @doulgas, we understand. Do you understand that when company starts hiking prices up and and starts requiring all kinds of extra payments, customers get first annoyed and then start leaving?

    Think how it would go, if local pub (or any facility you use) would not only start rising the price of it’s product and make annoying changes, then start requiring all kinds of extra payments? Want to sit while you drink? It costs X amount. Want to stand? That’ll cost extra, too. Moving inside the establishment in going to get costly tomorrow. Also, there will be extra charge for using clean glass…

    The thing is, happy customers likely use the services again. Piss off customers too much and you end up one or more customers leaving. Old customers inform their friends,  associates and potential new customers. At some point there’s nothing to do but close the service, because company has driven it’s customers away. Not so savvy business wise, eh?



    There were 17 banned players in the top 22 this morning and 31 total out of 100.  These accounts take away rewards from honest players.  This has nothing to do with skill.  It is about stealing.  If these accounts were permanently banned all of us that don’t cheat would earn more points/rewards in the MEBC.  This is not too much to ask from Rovio.


    So far Rovio has had a storied history of releasing bad code – spells counting as 1 instead of actual, infinite spells, chests every 30 hours or whatever, numerous iterations of arena matching failures, and so many more it is difficult to believe they’re actually releasing production software this non-nonchalantly. I’m surprised Stella doesn’t crash and burn every time I fling her…

    And this is before we get into intentionally messing with game physics (Terence of yore vs weakling of today), false trajectories, bad physics keeping piglets alive… Or with probabilities.

    We get it that it’s hard to write good code, and even harder to make money doing it. But you don’t need to stoop this low. There’s 100 different technical solutions to the clone and such problem, the easiest one being player audits.

    If a ‘new’ player suddenly lights up the scoreboard, how expletive deleted difficult is to trace back his history? I’m not talking every expletive deleted chest he ever received, but major milestones like rank advances, arena tourney wins, clan affiliation. Is it too darned expletive deleted difficult to check if there is a record of WEI at 139 stars, whether he was 138, 137, 136… 3, 2, 1… Come on people. This is basic SQL. Basic basic SQL.



    Angry Birds 2 is going to fund Rovio’s future.  It would be nice to see them invest some of that 💵 into cleaning up the game.  The better they make it the more we will see in the marketplace.



    I’m starting to think that only way to get Rovio noticing the players getting tired their tricks might be giving some honest publicity for their product. I think it’s possible that Google Play and apple shop may remove such reviews, if company influent enough request it by accusing reviewers of lies or making other BS.

    Yes, I’m even more salty as usually, because “video option” disappeared from my FTP account, too! I noticed it while in the middle of ToF run having third pig in a row, so I had to pay 200 to get the “rewards”, including a Mythical Hat.


    Once you realize they can use their “experiment” as an excuse for anything, including the game bugs, you start to understand they use it as free pass for all trickery they do. That is why there are no clear and detailed instructions for the game, as that would lock in functions for everyone. Instead, now they can freely change what they want and hose players in every way, because the game is different for players. Everything that’s not working as expected or intended, becomes “experiment”. Soon were bound to see “Oh, those empty chests are not a bug. Were just experimenting with rewards and you just happened to choose an empty chest. Next time, choose better.”


    Erm… yeah, I revised the text few times to remove excessive saltiness, but this is as much I can tone it down without  completely watering the message…





    Star Rank 28,283? Holy… eagle! That one is strong candidate for the most arrogant cheat!


    Eagle Eye

    Positions 6 through 9 today have a star rank 1, flock power 9 with one bird and a white frame


    Amazing how the cheaters either have some insane star rank, or virtually none at all.


    Tell us how you really feel.  🙄 



    I can’t help but think that being a cheater complaining after (s)he or the clan mates could not keep robbing honest players out of rewards, because the cheat accounts got banned. If so, that playername could be reason for another report. Just for the sake of kids… :D

    Actually, I don’t see much point of reporting even cheaters, because brain dead policy of Rovio allows them effortlessly right back in.



    Looks like today nearly the entire top 10 are marked as banned.

    I swear, every single one of them appears to be Russian.


    Why do they even appear on the list after being banned?!

    Another thing that I don’t understand is, why do those cheaters keep on, while they should know by now that their account is going to get banned? I mean… where’s the reward in that? Are they wasting their time and doing it just for giggles?



    Having dealt with cheaters since the early days of online gaming, I can tell you the number one reason they do it is because they get off on it. Ruining the game for others is how they get their enjoyment. First online game I played, Delta Force 2, was one of the most enjoyable FPS ever, until it was overrun with cheaters, who were doing it only to wreck the game. The company who made it never cared to do anything about it. They never even tried to patch the game to block the cheaters.

    There are some who do it because they simply want to prove to themselves and everyone else that they can do it, but they are a small minority.

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