MINI-MAP Campaign + New Dungeon (April 10th – April 19th)

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum MINI-MAP Campaign + New Dungeon (April 10th – April 19th)

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  • Bossk

    Oh very nice, these levels were harder than the first set.
    I hope the next gates will also be harder than these ones.


    I am doing this mostly from memory, but I think the 4 stamina wheel has 2 items and 1 item, and the 7 stamina wheel has 3 items and 1 item, right?
    If so:
    If you get all your stamina from waiting 15 min for each stamina point and from stamina drinks won by spinning the wheel, you are better off in terms of items won per hour of clock time to play the 3 stamina level (which is also the fastest).
    If you are willing to pay LC to buy stamina, you are still better off in terms of items won per LC to play the 3 stamina battle.
    This may change if you have the max items and are rolling for battle medals.
    Too bad you can’t see the wheel without actually finishing the battle.


    Yes a nice improvement in difficulty. My first trip through the five stamina battle left me with only one bird standing and a two star score. I had to change my strategy and give the chilli to chuck instead of giving it to chuck.

    Seriously though it was nice to see that missing a couple of bonus damages from the set items would make it tougher to get through, at least with the chilli inhibited.


    Can anyone tell me what is on the 7 stamina wheel, both before and after you collect all the items?


    7 stamina wheel:
    before: 3 items + 1 item
    after: 750 medals + 250 medals


    im playing the 7 stamina drinks! and going for the 3 feathers each time.


    @joeyba — See my post a few above, going for the 7 stamina battles is not the most efficient in terms of items per time or LC, in fact it is the least. My guess about the wheel in terms of items was correct.

    & joey — What are the values for battle medals on the 7-stamina wheel. I noticed that you got twice as many medals from the 5 stamina battle as from the 3-stamina battle. Not sure what the multiplier is for the 7 stamina battle.


    @mvnla2 You can craft the stamina drinks at the cauldron. Also, the number and type of opponents CAN change each time you play a particular level, at least for the one wave level.

    For the sake of the rest of us, just don’t replay levels that only give points! This is a weird event in the sense that you can replay the first three levels over and over for points and destroy everyone else if your priority is winning the event and not the helmet.


    @mvnla2 I read your posts. I’m playing the 7 stamina one in order to get faster 3 feathers in one shot! ur saying this is not a good idea?
    I played it again and took a pic. Is this what you’re asking for…?


    @mvnla2 I’m not sure how you get the easy levels as more efficient. Maybe you can clarify?

    Easy: 1 item divided by 3 stamina = .33 items per stamina.

    Medium: 2 items divided by 5 stamina = .40 items per stamina.

    Hard: 3 items divided 7 stamina = .43 items per stamina.


    @harleym I don’t know where you got the idea that i’m playing the only points wheels, i stopped after 20 feathers and will do the same for all items.
    If you read my posts (all) more closely, you’ll see i don’t want to end in the top three.

    The second gate levels have stronger enemies but they are still easy; honestly the hard part is keeping your birds at full health instead of 50 below your full health. I ended each battle with full health for all of my birds.


    @joeyba — Thanks! That’s exactly what I was looking for.

    — You aren’t guaranteed to get an item every time you spin the wheel.
    I will give details of the calculation soon.

    — I had forgotten that you can craft stamina drinks for friendship essence using the caldron. (Duh! I seem to forget this at the beginning of every event.)
    Will check to see if my conclusions about cost are still valid.
    I must say, repeatedly playing the 3 stamina level gets to be very boring.


    @chrish15 — What level are you at (e.g. 41, etc.). If less than 41 with <rank 10 birds, could you please tell us the health and attack power of your opponents?
    I am not having any trouble keeping my birds at full health.


    I also am having troubles keeping them at full health.
    than again, i insist using the same combination i always used: Lightning Bird, Sea Dog, Spies, all at level 10!


    @mvlna How do you know that there are lots of treasure chests in the GP dungeon? Besides, I cant play the game now as it stucks at “Version-Following”. Help!!!


    @neomerlinmagic, I’m not as geeky as the resident stat geeks here, but I think I can summarize the odds here.

    I agree with @mvnla2 — the 3-stamina battle is a good deal if you’re not using friendship essence to re-roll. If you do plan to re-roll, go for the 7-stamina battle.

    If the odds on the wheel are equally weighted (which may not be the case), the average winnings you’d get for each battle:

    7-stamina: 101.25 points, 1.5 feathers, 0.75 stamina drinks
    5-stamina: 67.5 points, 1.125 feathers, 0.75 stamina drinks
    3-stamina: 33.75 points, 0.75 feathers, 0.75 stamina drinks

    If you subtract the average stamina drink winnings from the price of the battle, your average winnings per stamina spent would be:

    7-stamina: 16.2 points, 0.24 feathers per stamina spent
    5-stamina: 15.9 points, 0.26 feathers per stamina spent
    3-stamina: 15 points, 0.33 feathers per stamina spent

    Hope that helps.


    @kenhsieh — I wrote you a detailed reply, but it seems to have vanished. :(
    For the treasure chests, I was just looking at the map, and hoping they contained LC. There is one chest tomorrow, and 2 in the GP dungeon.
    As for your problem: Send a support request to Rovio. Also, try hard closing all apps running in the background, do a hard shutdown of your device, wait 20 sec, restart device and Epic. If you have played Epic with a Rovio account, it is generally safe to delete Epic and reinstall. When you connect to your Rovio account, your progress should be restored. (Short version.)
    @mopurglar — Welcome to the geek section of ABN!


    @mvlna2 How do I know if my progess is saved or not if I logged in my account? I am afraid that my classes will disappear.


    @joeyba Then it shouldn’t come as a surprise that you can’t keep your birds at full health. Spies’ glee and bomb’s sugar rush isn’t enough to heal all your birds. If you want health, you should bring a healer instead.

    Also, I started doing the 3 stamina battles since I’m almost out of friendship essences now.


    Soon a friend of mine has a free roll given by me, but he says that he cant even see my camp! It seems my account vanished!! No!!!!


    @mvnla2 thanks! it’s an honor ;)

    does your facebook work?


    No. It disappeared from my friend’s friend list.


    What a relief. The account isnt missing but it still tells me to update before using, the my game freezes. Google Play told me nothing about Epic. Update?? What the hell!???


    Damn the 7 stamina fight of the new part bugs. The game progressively slows down over time and ends up freezing completely. I spent 14 stamina drinks for nothing…

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum MINI-MAP Campaign + New Dungeon (April 10th – April 19th)

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