Monster event moving ranking question

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Monster event moving ranking question

  • I know the ranking is always moving, even more when your place is in the 10K, but when you are in the top 1000, and you refresh your place, it move a lot. Anyone know which one is the real one?

    I mean right now in the monster event.

    I opened the rank was 351, refreshed dropped to 400, refreshed again and dropped back to 389, refreshed again and dropped back to 361, etc etc, my rank is on the move between 350 and 400.

    If the event was to end in les then 1 minutes, anyone know if my real ranking would be 400, or 350?

    I always think that this is cheater related, because last event I was in the top 200 for the whole event, but not on the top 200 scoreboard.

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  • Replies
  • SpiniSpipi

    I have had the same issue. I guess that’s the best they can do in estimating your current ranking.

    From observation my real ranking is always 30 or so behind what the game tells me, but that’s observed in the top 200. I would guess that number would enlarge in lower rankings. For instance your real ranking would probably be 50 or so behind in the top 500.


    Always is that.
    Rank is dropping.

    Leaderboard working not good.
    In last event:
    F.x. i had 40k points and rank 108.
    But if i look at LB people who was 199 200 had over 41k
    And i didnt know what is my rank.

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Monster event moving ranking question

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