New bug and hello

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum New bug and hello

  • Have been playing/reading threads for a long time, finally made an account.

    Same pain points and gripes as all others over the years, but I trudge onward burning hours playing the repetition game.

    Anyhow just stopping by to say hi and share my newest observed anomaly that was too laffable not to share.

    Keep eye on you token counts.
    Today is missile day in ‘opt in’ challenge, easy pickings for ultimate megatron and 420% bonus token buffet.

    First 3 runs netted 22k, with one being lame pig city. 4th run crashed.

    Whats interesting is the next time-recharged runs.
    1st was missle frequent plains? Netted 10k as a result and as it adds me up, my score shows as 12k (now plus my new 10k) to new total of exactly what I had prior to run.

    Odd lol.

    I wait an hour and play again. Yep still at 22k, and not 32k.

    This time missile frequent beach node.
    Think total was around 8k, but just like last time, adding up my score shows 14k, now plus 8k back to the same 22k.

    So my new madness is competiton playing for a static score.

    Anyhow, curious, can’t be just me.
    Fun? LoL

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  • datguygamer

    That’s a sad thing. Your endeavor is getting ruined by this glitchy game.


    Still unable to get any scoring increase lol.

    Every attempt is the same, my total score doesn’t move. I thought others in my leaderboard were the same as seemed to be no movement for longest time, but 2nd and 3rd place have since leapfrogged me.

    The add up results screen after each node seems to show me in a random place with a random pre-node score each time. Has no relation to how much was earned on the node or the ongoing static total.

    I’ve already purchased all accessories of interest, sparks. Whatever left over might’ve been dumped in an overpower, so no hearbreaking loss of 1st place on the last day.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum New bug and hello

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