New Comp Prime Target

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    I currently have an L12 Lockdown with the the hook (+10% damage), energon cube (explosive rounds) and the pilgrim hat (+10% damage). So I show explosive rounds with +21% damage when I hit the Information button in the barracks.

    I cannot wear the cube and the clip (+ 20% clip size) at the same time. I ran a node with an L14 Lockdown buddy who had the hook, clip and squawk talk, but no cube or cannon. I couldn’t tell if he had Rangefinder on. I’m not sure if that is indicative of exclusionary accessories, but I’m suspicious that it could be. For the other TFs, I’ve found explosive rounds much more effective than acid rounds. But, I guess we’ll all find out what the cannon can actually do in about 8 hours or so. Or at least it’s possible based on maxed out tokens (550+1000+550).


    @aliaspbj where do you get the pilgrim hat?



    It was a prize in the 2015 Thanksgiving competition. We all made fun of it and you can read about the low opinions of that prize in that thread from November of 2015. It originally had no value as did many of the accessories back then. However, since then, the Pilgrim hat actually has the useful attribute of imparting more damage that was assigned in one of the later updates. Several characters have the Pilgrim hat available including: Optimus P, Lockdown, Greyslam Grimlock, Starscream and Arcee. I may have missed a few.


    @aliaspbj @sam-spargo

    Galvitron and Dark Megatron as well. All of mine, except O. Prime are still wearing it. O. Prime is wearing his elf hat.


    I don’t know about the comic books or cartoons (if someone can shed some light that would be great) but in the live action movie… T4: Age of extinction, Lockdown has the cannon coming out of his face. I agree with the masses expecting to be an arm/hand weapon but just in case… If anyone knows about the other incarnations of the character please let us know (or at least me, if I’m the only one who doesn’t know)…



    The TF Wiki is usually a good resource for information on all things Transformers.


    I know the last comp was tedious with repeated levels but I kind of liked it, at least you knew what to expect. But this one os not bad.

    Could someone tell me what the ‘transform power’ does? I don’t notice any benefit like with some others. I do like the explosive rounds best so far.

    Francis Crawford

    All pigs are equal, but some are more equal than others.

    — Not Quite George Orwell


    @nsar Transform Power relates to the speed in which your TF switches between robot & alternate form and back. Including the ability to shoot while Transforming back to Robotic form.

    I also agree with your thoughts on the events… I had some fun using different TFs & Energonicons to see how they all performed under like conditions. This time, it’s strictly stick with a strategy.


    @optimuspig Thanks for the link… It was actually perfect for what I was looking for.

    I was kind of hoping we’d get ssomething like an ultimate Lockdown. No just strong raw powers but with all accessory spots usable with good accessories… Maybe in the future…


    Thank you @tripolar, I have wondered about that for a while, now I know what to look for with it. I know what you mean about the strategy in this comp, and you better be fast ti hit stuff the way the TF races through!


    Hey guys & gals,
    I had a funny 4 run event yesterday x2. The 1st run of 4 gave me 4 totals of 500 = 2000, it seemed to stick at 500 as no matter how many more pigs I hit it stayed at 500.
    Then it must have decided on payback as my next 4 gave me 50 per run = 200 and again no matter how many more I hit it stayed at 50.
    I like the 1st one as it gave me 1st place lol



    Wow, I would have liked to have seen even just one of those runs yesterday. First place squeaked past me at the very end. 324 was my max and the only one over 300. Today’s numbers a down significantly since there are less pigs worth 10 points. So far, I’ve had from 28 to 117 with a 77 average.

    Francis Crawford

    I peaked at 448 yesterday.

    My experience today is in line w/ @millforce2k’s.



    What transformer/energonicom do you use? I’ve been using Energon Grimlock with Rapidfire. I’ve tried Goldbite Grimlock thinking that I’d see more flying pigs since he’s slower, but didn’t see a difference.


    With only 10 gems used my end total was over 5000, 2nd was 4300 and 3rd 4000.
    Yes today I’ve done 2 full runs and have only got a max of 60+ no 3 figures. I’m 11th with 502 but 1st only has 733, so low scoring today.
    I’ve noticed a few times that the pigs in this event should score 10 sometimes gives 1 or 0.

    Francis Crawford


    I’m using Grimlocks, mainly Energon.

    I’m using Glassor. I like it for the raw power and also because it has very different line-of-sight than my TF does.


    Totals are definitely lower on Day 2. I’m averaging just under half of what I averaged on Day 1.

    But interesting thing to note is that the Challenge ladder has the same progression as it did on the first day (60, 180, 360, 540, and so on), so it’s going to be a lot harder to max out the Challenge today. I easily completed it without gem recharges on Day 1, but it’ll be pretty close today.



    “I’ve noticed a few times that the pigs in this event should score 10 sometimes gives 1 or 0.”

    There are two variations on the helmeted pigs. Some have designs on them, some do not. Only the ones with designs on them (a bit like face tattoos) give you ten points.



    “I’ve tried Goldbite Grimlock thinking that I’d see more flying pigs since he’s slower, but didn’t see a difference”

    The speed that your TF moves at doesn’t affect the spawn rate of pigs.

    Using a slower Grimlock is definitely a good idea when the daily target is missiles, but it doesn’t work the same way for the pigs.


    Even the 1’s with writting on are doing it my end


    Might be a good idea to report that to the Competition Bugs stickied thread.



    I’ll have to try Glassor. Good point with the different line of sight, especially when they are behind rocks or up on a ledge.


    I was hoping that the spawn rate for flying pigs was like missiles. Since its mnot, I went back to E. Grim to better clear the field.

    The pigs giving 10 points seem to be the trapezoidal ones, and not the cubes.


    It’s party time just done a run and got 103 highest to date lol.
    I will write in the bug thread.


    Just got Lockdown’s cannon. It is on his back and doesn’t interfere with any of his other accessories.

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