New Comp Prime Target

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  • Lis

    Yes confirm. Was surprised as well. I also wonder was just because i used Galvatron together with Photoblast?


    Huh, interesting, I had no idea.

    I’ll have to give that a try next time I run E. Galvatron.

    Francis Crawford

    Total score after 2 runs today — 624
    Total score after 3 runs today — 700, exactly
    Total score after 7 runs today — 1400, exactly

    I had two runs of 76 each.

    In one tidbit on yesterday, I got the impression that the electrified pigs were 10 points each. But this is based on about 3 pigs in a single run, so I could easily have been wrong.


    One problem with trying to shoot down fireballs is that if there is another target remotely near it, that target will be auto targeted over the fireball.


    Well for some crazy reason I got 1st again yesterday and so got the cannon and that is me done as I don’t want or need what’s left and so am playing for fun and will top up my coins lol


    haven’t gotten anything yet, saving up on tokens


    Only need 200 more tokens to get everything except Lockdown’s clips and cap. So I’m done playing unless it looks like I’m going to slip into the bottom ten (currently in third). Only spent 50 gems.


    My Prime Target contest highest score…(Slingshot Forest node)



    Well I got a standard lame candid response from Rovio, “if you joined the compitition late”….. I do not get it…. When you submit these to rovio they ask you all your info device, os, game ver. Ect….. Then in the responce they ask for it again….. Do they even read these or just respond candidly back with no answers just excuses almost to the point of blaming the player…. The rep placed this in “solved”???? I responed back and explained it is not… Also I was told that if this happens in the next compitition to get screen shots???? Really????? Very unhappy with rovio…


    3 hours and 40 min. to go. I’m going to bed. I hope that everybody did get the items they wanted. Well i did get the most of the items i wanted. Looking forward to the next challenge. Good night everybody.

    Francis Crawford

    @pampeans — that’s pretty high indeed! I didn’t break 400 on any run this week.

    Francis Crawford

    In a classic example of overkill, I got first place every day, finishing with 10,850 tokens.

    So I bought every accessory in the competition, usefulness/uselessness or redundancy notwithstanding.

    450 tokens remain, which I won’t bother trading in for gold.


    Francis Crawford, same here, 1st every day, bought everything! I spent over 400 gems(I work a lot), but I am actually ahead by doing missions and using the lab. Net gain of 36 gems. Fun competition! And thanks to everyone who regularly posts all the great info and tips. Also helping to rid the game of bugs. You people are awesome! Hope you all got what you wanted out of the competition.

    Francis Crawford


    I think I spent 10+20+40 gems most days.
    At least the last day I only spent 10+20.
    I went up to 60 at least once.

    I just enjoyed this competition, for the most part.

    My gem count is pretty close to what it was at the beginning of the competition.


    @franciscrawford @ef5ox

    Wow, I had a easy board. First place four times, second place three times. Total 30 gems spent. Got everything except Hook and Baseball Cap.

    Francis Crawford


    Why not the hook? That’s one of the first things I’d have gone for. Straight +damage seems like good stuff, considering many of the alternatives.


    I am glad I got all the accessories. They sure have made Lockdown and Energon Lockdown way more powerful! I ran a node with Energon Lockdown, destroyed everything, didn’t use a buddy and had goldbrick. Also,They both work great in Jenga, 95% to 100% destruction of blocks, pigs and gold bricks.


    Quick question? How do you reply directly to a person, have their name on top of your reply? I would like to do that, if anyone can help?



    I started off with Squaktalk and Energon Cube just because I wanted explosive acid rounds. Then Cannon and Rangefinder because they are exclusive. He was pretty smokin’ when I did a run with him. Since I had Cannon with +20% damage, I opted for Clips instead of Hook thinking that I would try swapping Clips and Energon Cube for fun. If I had 50 more points, I would have gotten Hook instead of Headphones.


    Put in the stuff below a person’s username that begins with @. You can put it anywhere in the body of the message. As you type, it will pull up a list of possibilities. Sometimes you need that when people like Francis above have a really long name.


    The Clip and hat I never got as their positions were already in use and used the rest of my tokens on coins


    I guess Noone else got a response from Rovio on the bug that happend Sunday night…


    Not sure what happend yesterday.. Could not send any replys to forums…. This bug was reported on page 4 of this forum by me and afew others and on the bug report forum…. It happend at the close of the event on Sunday night was in first place by quite a few 100 points… Had been playing all day long and even spent over a 100 gems to grt this lead…. When the event ended I went from 1st to 17th and lost all my tokens….. All I got was the lame candid response from Rovio……

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